
ringDetect <- structure(function# Single Detection of TRWs
### This function assists in the detection of TRW (mm) in a scanned
### image (.tif or .png) or gray matrix, evaluating other required
### functions and plotting the outputs in graphics devices. The
### function can be combined with \code{\link{ringSelect}} to visually
### detected TRWs. Nevertheless, the complete measurement procedure of
### TRW with the package can be performed by \code{\link{multiDetect}}.
                        ##details<< The scanned sample should
                        ## correspond to a horizontal window of wood
                        ## with the bark side located towards the left
                        ## area of the image, and the pit side towards
                        ## the right. The image section may not
                        ## necessarily contain both bark and pit, see
                        ## images of the Examples. The image should
                        ## contain Red, Gren, and Blue channels (rgb)
                        ## and be compressed in any of two file
                        ## formats: tif or png. These are easily
                        ## obtained by scanning wood samples with a
                        ## conventional scanner and extracting a
                        ## horizontal image section. Five functions
                        ## are internally implemented:
                        ## \code{\link{plotSegments}},
                        ## \code{\link{dataSegments}},
                        ## \code{\link{ringWidths}},
                        ## \code{\link{ringBorders}},
                        ## and/or\code{\link{imageTogray}}. These are
                        ## controlled using the following arguments:
                        ## \itemize{ \item\code{ppi = NULL}: image
                        ## resolution in points per inch. If
                        ## \code{NULL} the \code{ppi} is extracted
                        ## from the image attributes. If the
                        ## \code{ppi} is not embedded in the image,
                        ## then thos argument should be provided;
                        ## \item\code{rgb = c(0.3,0.6,0.1)}: vector of
                        ## three fractions, all of them adding to one,
                        ## to combine the rgb into a gray
                        ## matrix. Defaults correspond to the
                        ## rgb-standard in the luminosity function
                        ## (Russ, 2006): green light contributes the
                        ## most to the intensity perceived by humans,
                        ## and blue light the least; \item\code{p.row
                        ## = 1}: Proportion of rows in the central
                        ## portion of the gray matrix to be processed;
                        ## \item{last.yr = NULL}: \code{NULL} or
                        ## \code{integer}. Year of formation of the
                        ## newest ring. If \code{NULL} then the rings
                        ## are numbered from one (right) to the number
                        ## of detected rings
                        ## (left);\item\code{auto.det = TRUE}:
                        ## \code{logical}. If TRUE then an algorithm
                        ## for automatic detection is implemented, see
                        ## \code{\link{linearDetect}};
                        ## \item\code{darker = TRUE}:
                        ## \code{logical}. If \code{TRUE} then the
                        ## algorithm uses the negative extremes on
                        ## smoothed grays to detect the ring
                        ## borders. If \code{FALSE} the positive
                        ## extremes are used instead;
                        ## \item\code{origin = 0}: An origin along
                        ## central portion of the smoothed gray to
                        ## find the ring borders. This value could
                        ## help to avoid noisy areas during the visual
                        ## detection process; \item\code{inclu =
                        ## NULL}: \code{NULL} or vector with column
                        ## numbers in the gray matrix, other than
                        ## those automatically detected, to be
                        ## considered as ring borders.  If \code{NULL}
                        ## no column numbers are included;
                        ## \item\code{exclu = NULL}: \code{NULL} or
                        ## vector with column numbers in gray matrix
                        ## of those ring borders to be excluded from
                        ## the analysis. If \code{NULL}, no ring
                        ## borders are excluded; \item\code{plot =
                        ## TRUE}: \code{logical}. If \code{TRUE} then
                        ## a plot is produced; \item\code{segs = 1}:
                        ## Number of image segments to be plotted;
                        ## \item\code{ratio = NULL}: \code{NULL} or
                        ## \code{numeric} vector of two values
                        ## representing the aspect ratio of the plots
                        ## (height, and width). If \code{NULL} default
                        ## in \code{\link{par}} is used;
                        ## \item\code{marker = NULL}: \code{NULL} or
                        ## \code{integer} vector with any value from 1
                        ## to 10. The rings are averaged with those
                        ## rings on either side of it and the averages
                        ## are scaled from ten (the narrowest possible
                        ## ring) to one (the broadest ring). The
                        ## narrow rings with averages larger than
                        ## \code{marker} as well as other
                        ## chronological markers (decades, centuries,
                        ## and millennia), are highlighted with red
                        ## pinpricks; \item\code{col.marker = 'red'}:
                        ## color of the markers; \item\code{tit =
                        ## TRUE}: \code{logical} or
                        ## \code{character}. A title for the plots. If
                        ## \code{TRUE} the main title is the image
                        ## name. For more than 1 segment the main
                        ## title ends with the segment number. This
                        ## argument does not work in
                        ## \code{\link{multiDetect}}.} \paragraph{}If
                        ## users run R from Interactive Development
                        ## Environments (IDE) aiming to segment the
                        ## image section (\code{segs > 1}), they
                        ## should be sure that such environments
                        ## support multiple graphics devices. If the
                        ## argument \code{image} is a gray matrix,
                        ## then other arguments passed to
                        ## \code{\link{imageTogray}} will be
                        ## ignored. The function can be combined with
                        ## \code{\link{ringSelect}} to visually
                        ## include/exclude ring borders in the plot
                        ## output, see examples in the
                        ## \code{ringSelect} function. See
                        ## \code{\link{multiDetect}} for recursive
                        ## implementation of this function.
                        ## references<< \itemize{\item Lara W.,
                        ## F. Bravo, and S. Carlos. 2015. measuRing:
                        ## An R package to measure tree-ring widths
                        ## from scanned images.  Dendrochronologia,
                        ## 34: 43-50; \item Russ, J.C., 2006. The
                        ## Image Processing Handbook, Fifth
                        ## Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 817 pp.}
                            image,##<<\code{character} or
                            ##\code{matrix}. Vector of path to
                            ##the image section or a gray matrix
                            ##such as that produced by
                            ...##<< arguments to be passed to other
                            ## functions, see section of Details.
                            plots <- plotSegments(image,...)
                            detect <- lapply(plots[-1L],function(x)
                            detect <- detect[c('ringWidths','ringBorders')]
                            detect1 <- c(detect,call=sys.call())
                            inat <- c('gray.dim','opar')
                            attributes(detect1) <- c(attributes(detect1),
                            attributes(detect1)[['coln']] <- rownames(
### list of data frames with ring widths and ring
### borders such as these produced by
### \code{\link{ringWidths}}, and \code{\link{ringBorders}}.
                            image1 <- system.file("P105_a.tif", package="measuRing")
                            ## (not run) Initial diagnostic:
                            detect1 <- ringDetect(image1,segs=3)
                            ## (not run) Updating ringDetect to chage arguments;
                            ## and flagged rings
                            detect1 <- update(detect1,marker=8) 
                            ## (not run) Some noise in smoothed gray can be avoided
                            ## by moving the origin: 
                            detect1 <- update(detect1,origin = -0.03)
                            ## (not run) columns 21 and 130 are not considered now.
                            ## (not run) Choose other columns in gray matrix (see ringSelect);
                            ## (not run) graphical devices from ringDetect should be active!
                            ## (not run) Including columns:
                            ## (uncomment and run):
                            ## detect1 <- update(detect1)
                            ## Toinc <- ringSelect(detect1)
                            ## detect1 <- update(detect1, inclu = Toinc)
                            ## or, include the next columns: 
                            Toinc <- c(202,387,1564) 
                            detect1 <- update(detect1,inclu = Toinc)        
                            ## (not run) Object detec1 is updated with Toinc;
                            ## (not run)  ring borders to be excluded:
                            ## (uncomment and run):
                            ## detect1 <- update(detect1)
                            ## Toexc <- ringSelect(detect1,any.col = FALSE)
                            ## detect1 <- update(detect1,exclu=Toexc)
                            ## or, exclude the nex columns: 
                            Toexc <- c(208,1444,1484)
                            detect1 <- update(detect1,exclu = Toexc)        
                            ## (not run) Final arguments:
                            detect2 <- update(detect1,last.yr=2011,marker = 8)
                            ## (not run) kill previous plot:
                            ## (not run) Tree-ring widths and attributes:
                            rings <- detect2$'ringWidths'
                            ## (not run) Plot of the tree-ring witdths:        
                            maint <- 'Hello ring widths!'
                            plot(rings,ylab = 'width (mm)',type='l',col = 'red',main=maint)

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measuRing documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:48 p.m.