WeightedScatter: Plots weighted scatterplots for meta-analytic data. Can plot...

View source: R/WeightedScatter.R

WeightedScatterR Documentation

Plots weighted scatterplots for meta-analytic data. Can plot effect size as a function of either continuous (numeric, integer) or categorical (factor, character) predictors.


Plots weighted scatterplots for meta-analytic data. Can plot effect size as a function of either continuous (numeric, integer) or categorical (factor, character) predictors.


  yi = "yi",
  vi = "vi",
  vars = NULL,
  tau2 = NULL,
  summarize = TRUE



A data.frame.


Character. The name of the column in data that contains the meta-analysis effect sizes. Defaults to "yi".


Character. The name of the column in the data that contains the variances of the effect sizes. Defaults to "vi". By default, vi is used to calculate fixed-effects weights, because fixed effects weights summarize the data set at hand, rather than generalizing to the population.


Character vector containing the names of specific moderator variables to plot. When set to NULL, the default, all moderators are plotted.


Numeric. Provide an optional value for tau2. If this value is provided, random-effects weights will be used instead of fixed-effects weights.


Logical. Should summary stats be displayed? Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, a smooth trend line is displayed for continuous variables, using [stats::loess()] for less than 1000 observations, and [mgcv::gam()] for larger datasets. For categorical variables, box-and-whiskers plots are displayed. Outliers are omitted, because the raw data fulfill this function.


A gtable object.


## Not run: 
data <- SimulateSMD(k_train = 100, model = es * x[, 1] + es * x[, 2] + es *
                      x[, 1] * x[, 2])$training
data$X2 <- cut(data$X2, breaks = 2, labels = c("Low", "High"))
data$X3 <- cut(data$X3, breaks = 2, labels = c("Small", "Big"))
WeightedScatter(data, summarize = FALSE)
WeightedScatter(data, vars = c("X3"))
WeightedScatter(data, vars = c("X1", "X3"))

## End(Not run)

metaforest documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:38 a.m.