
Defines functions mpower_integrity

mpower_integrity <- function(effect_size, study_size, k, i2, es_type, test_type, p, con_table){

test_type_options <- c("one-tailed", "two-tailed")
es_type_options <- c("d","r", "or")

## study_size integrity checks
  stop("Need to specify expected sample size")
  stop("study_size must be numeric")
if(length(study_size) > 1)
  stop("study_size must be a single number")
if(study_size < 1)
  stop("study_size must be greater than 0")

## num studies integrity checks
  stop("Need to specify expected number of studies")
  stop("k must be numeric")
if(length(k) > 1)
  stop("k must be a single number")
if(k < 2)
  stop("k must be greater than 1")

## i2 - Heterogeneity

  stop("Need to specify heterogeneity(i2); Small = .25, moderatoe = .50, Large = .75")
if(i2 > .9999)
  stop("i2 cannot be greater than 1")
if(i2 < 0)
  stop("i2 cannot be less than 0")

## es_type
  stop("Need to specify effect size as 'd', 'r', or 'or'")
if(!(es_type %in% es_type_options))
  stop("Need to specify effect size as 'd', 'r', or 'or'")

## effect size d
if(es_type == 'd'){
    stop("Need to specify expected effect size")
    stop("effect_size must be numeric")
  if(length(effect_size) > 1)
    stop("effect_size must be a single number")
  if(effect_size < 0)
    stop("effect_size must be greater than zero")
  if(effect_size > 10)
    warning("Are you sure effect size is >10?")
## Correlation
if(es_type == 'r'){
    stop("Need to specify expected effect size")
    stop("effect_size must be numeric")
  if(length(effect_size) > 1)
    stop("effect_size must be a single number")
  if(effect_size > 1)
    stop("Correlation cannot be above 1")
  if(effect_size < 0)
    stop("Correlation must be above 0")
# Odds Ratio
if(es_type == 'or'){
    stop("Do not enter an effect size for Odds Ratio. Instead, Enter a 2x2 contingency table")
    stop("For Odds Ratio, must enter contigency table (con_table)")
    if(length(con_table) != 4)
      stop("con_table must reflect a 2x2 contingency table with the form c(a,b,c,d). see documentation")
    if(study_size != sum(con_table))
      stop("Entered sample size should equal the sum of the contigency table")
## test_type errors
if(!(test_type %in% test_type_options))
  stop("Need to specify two-tailed or one-tailed")

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metapower documentation built on Feb. 8, 2021, 5:07 p.m.