Man pages for metrica
Prediction Performance Metrics

ACJi and Gallo's Agreement Coefficient (AC)
agfAdjusted F-score
AUC_rocArea Under the ROC Curve
B0_smaIntercept of standardized major axis regression (SMA).
B1_smaSlope of standardized major axis regression (SMA).
balaccBalanced Accuracy
barleyBarley grain number
bland_altman_plotBland-Altman plot
bmiBookmaker Informedness
CCCConcordance correlation coefficient (CCC)
chickpeaChickpea dry mass
confusion_matrixConfusion Matrix
csiCritical Success Index | Jaccard's Index
dWillmott's Index of Agreement (d)
d1Modified Index of Agreement (d1).
d1rRefined Index of Agreement (d1).
dcorrDistance Correlation
deltapdeltaP or Markedness
density_plotDensity plot of predicted and observed values
E1Absolute Model Efficiency (E1)
ErelRelative Model Efficiency (Erel)
error_rateError rate
fmiFowlkes-Mallows Index
gmeanGeometric Mean
import_apsim_dbImport SQLite databases generated by APSIM NextGen
iqRMSEInter-Quartile Root Mean Squared Error
KGEKling-Gupta Model Efficiency (KGE).
khatK-hat (Cohen's Kappa Coefficient)
lambdaDuveiller's Agreement Coefficient
land_coverBinary Land Cover Data
LCSLack of Correlation (LCS)
likelihood_ratiosLikelihood Ratios (Classification)
MAEMean Absolute Error (MAE)
maize_phenologyMulti Class Phenology
MAPEMean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE)
MASEMean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
MBEMean Bias Error (MBE)
mccMatthews Correlation Coefficient | Phi Coefficient
metrica-packagemetrica: Prediction Performance Metrics
metrics_summaryPrediction Performance Summary
MICMaximal Information Coefficient
MLAMean Lack of Accuracy (MLA)
MLPMean Lack of Precision (MLP)
MSEMean Squared Error (MSE)
npvNegative Predictive Value
NSENash-Sutcliffe Model Efficiency (NSE)
PABPercentage Additive Bias (PAB)
PBEPercentage Bias Error (PBE).
PLAPercentage Lack of Accuracy (PLA)
PLPPercentage Lack of Precision (PLP)
PPBPercentage Proportional Bias (PPB)
precisionPrecision | Positive Predictive Value
rSample Correlation Coefficient (r)
R2Coefficient of determination (R2).
RACRobinson's Agreement Coefficient (RAC).
RAERelative Absolute Error (RAE)
recallRecall | Sensitivity | True Positive Rate | Hit rate
RMAERelative Mean Absolute Error (RMAE)
RMLARoot Mean Lack of Accuracy (RMLA)
RMLPRoot Mean Lack of Precision (RMLP)
RMSERoot Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
RRMSERelative Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
RSERelative Squared Error (RSE)
RSRRoot Mean Standard Deviation Ratio (RSR)
RSSResidual Sum of Squares (RSS)
SBSquared bias (SB)
scatter_plotScatter plot of predicted and observed values
SDSDSquared difference between standard deviations (SDSD)
SMAPESymmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (SMAPE).
sorghumSorghum grain number
specificitySpecificity | Selectivity | True Negative Rate
tiles_plotTiles plot of predicted and observed values
TSSTotal Sum of Squares (TSS)
UbMean Bias Error Proportion (Ub)
UcLack of Consistency (Uc)
UeLack of Consistency (Ue)
uSDUncorrected Standard Deviation
var_uUncorrected Variance (var_u)
wheatWheat grain nitrogen
XaAccuracy Component (Xa) of CCC
metrica documentation built on June 30, 2024, 5:07 p.m.