
Defines functions next_bus

Documented in next_bus

#' Next Buses
#' Returns next bus arrival times at a stop.
#' @format A tibble 1 row per arrival with 8 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{StopID}{7-digit regional ID which can be used in various bus-related
#'   methods. If unavailable, the `StopID` will be 0 or `NA`}
#'   \item{StopName}{Stop name. May be slightly different from what is spoken or
#'   displayed in the bus.}
#'   \item{RouteID}{Base route name as shown on the bus. This can be used in
#'   other bus-related methods. Note that all variants will be shown as their
#'   base route names (i.e.: 10Av1 and 10Av2 will be shown as 10A).}
#'   \item{DirectionText}{Customer-friendly description of direction and
#'   destination for a bus.}
#'   \item{DirectionNum}{Denotes a binary direction (0 or 1) of the bus. There
#'   is no specific mapping to direction, but a different value for the same
#'   route signifies that the buses are traveling in opposite directions. Use
#'   the DirectionText element to show the actual destination of the bus.}
#'   \item{Minutes}{Minutes until bus arrival at this stop. Numeric value.}
#'   \item{VehicleID}{Bus identifier. This can be correlated with results
#'   returned from bus positions.}
#'   \item{TripID}{Trip identifier. This can be correlated with the data in our
#'   bus schedule information as well as bus positions.}
#' }
#' @param StopID 7-digit regional stop ID.
#' @inheritParams wmata_key
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' next_bus(StopID = "1001195")
#' }
#' @return Data frame of bus arrivals.
#' @seealso <https://developer.wmata.com/docs/services/5476365e031f590f38092508/operations/5476365e031f5909e4fe331d>
#' @family Real-Time Predictions
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @export
next_bus <- function(StopID, api_key = wmata_key()) {
  dat <- wmata_api(
    path = "NextBusService.svc/json/jPredictions",
    query = list(StopID = StopID),
    flatten = TRUE,
    api_key = api_key
  if (no_data_now(dat$Predictions)) {
    message("No busses arriving at this stop")
  dat <- tibble::add_column(
    StopID = as.character(StopID),
    StopName = dat$StopName,
    .before = 1

empty_next_bus <- tibble::tibble(
  StopID = character(),
  StopName = character(),
  RouteID = character(),
  DirectionText = character(),
  DirectionNum = character(),
  Minutes = integer(),
  VehicleID = character(),
  TripID = character()

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metro documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:32 a.m.