ibvpot: Interpret bivariate threshold exceedance models

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ibvpotR Documentation

Interpret bivariate threshold exceedance models


This is an adaptation of the evir package interpret.gpdbiv function. interpret.fbvpot deals with the output of a call to fbvpot from the evd and to handle families other than the logistic distribution. The likelihood derivation comes from expression 2.10 in Smith et al. (1997).


ibvpot(fitted, q, silent = FALSE)



the output of fbvpot or a list. See Details.


a vector of quantiles to consider, on the data scale. Must be greater than the thresholds.


boolean; whether to print the interpretation of the result. Default to FALSE.


The list fitted must contain

  • model a string; see bvevd from package evd for options

  • param a named vector containing the parameters of the model, as well as parameters scale1, shape1,scale2 and shape2, corresponding to marginal GPD parameters.

  • threshold a vector of length 2 containing the two thresholds.

  • pat the proportion of observations above the corresponding threshold


an invisible numeric vector containing marginal, joint and conditional exceedance probabilities.


Leo Belzile, adapting original S code by Alexander McNeil


Smith, Tawn and Coles (1997), Markov chain models for threshold exceedances. Biometrika, 84(2), 249–268.

See Also

interpret.gpdbiv in package evir


if (requireNamespace("evd", quietly = TRUE)) {
y <- rgp(1000,1,1,1)
x <- y*rmevspec(n=1000,d=2,sigma=cbind(c(0,0.5),c(0.5,0)), model='hr')
mod <- evd::fbvpot(x, threshold = c(1,1), model = 'hr', likelihood ='censored')
ibvpot(mod, c(20,20))

mev documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:14 p.m.