Man pages for mfpp
'Matrix-Based Flexible Project Planning'

BatselierReal-life project database by Batselier and Vanhoucke (2015)
BoctorSumulated project database by Boctor (1993)
generatepdmFunction to generate a PDM matrix for flexible project...
get.structuresFunction to calculate minimal/maximal/most likely project...
is.flexibleFunction to check the flexibility of PDM matrix.
maxscore_PEMFunction to calculate maximal score value (PMAX) of possible...
mfppMatrix-Based Flexible Project Planning
minscore_PEMFunction to calculate minimal score value of possible project...
paretoresCalculate Pareto-optimal resource allocation
percentFunction to calculate desired project completion...
phase1Function to simulate estimation uncertainty.
phase2Function to simulate shock effects.
phase3Function to simulate the effects of the change of customer...
plot.mfppPlot function for Matrix-Based Flexible Project Planning
summary.mfppPrint PDM constraints, matrices, lists, sets, collections.
tpcFunction of Cost demands of a project.
tpqFunction to calcualte Total Project Quality for a project...
tprFunction to calculate maximum resource demands of a project.
tptFunction to evaluate EST, EFT, LST and LFT times of activity...
truncpdmFunction to drop excluded tasks.
mfpp documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:35 a.m.