continuous: Class "continuous"

continuousR Documentation

Class "continuous"


The continuous class inherits from the missing_variable-class and is the parent of the following classes: semi-continuous, censored-continuous, truncated-continuous, and bounded-continuous. The distinctions among these subclasses are given on their respective help pages. Aside from these facts, the rest of the documentation here is primarily directed toward developers.

Objects from the Classes

Objects can be created that are of class continuous via the missing_variable generic function by specifying type = "continuous"


The continuous class inherits from the missing_variable class and has the following additional slots:


Object of class "function" which is passed the raw_data slot and whose returned value is assigned to the data slot. By default, this function is the “standardize” transformation, using the mean and twice the standard deviation of the observed values


Object of class "function" which is the inverse of the function in the transformation slot.


Object of class "logical" of length one indicating whether the data slot is in the “transformed” state or the “untransformed” state


Object of class "character" indicating which transformations are possible for this variable

The fit_model method for a continuous variable is, by default, a wrapper for bayesglm and its family slot is, by default, gaussian


Ben Goodrich and Jonathan Kropko, for this version, based on earlier versions written by Yu-Sung Su, Masanao Yajima, Maria Grazia Pittau, Jennifer Hill, and Andrew Gelman.

See Also

missing_variable, semi-continuous-class, censored-continuous-class, truncated-continuous-class, bounded-continuous-class


data(nlsyV, package = "mi")

# STEP 0.5 CREATE A missing_variable (you never need to actually do this)
income <- missing_variable(nlsyV$income, type = "continuous")

mi documentation built on June 7, 2022, 1:04 a.m.