
Defines functions fetch_sigtab

Documented in fetch_sigtab

#' Fetch SIGTAB table
#' This function fetchs an updated table of procedures (SIGTAB) from DatasSUS
#' @param timeout sets the download timeout reference. Defaults to 240
#' @return a data.frame
#' @export
fetch_sigtab <- function(timeout = 240){
  # Resets original timeout option on function exit
  original_time_option <- getOption("timeout")
  on.exit(options(timeout = original_time_option))

  # Set new timeout
  options(timeout = timeout)

  sigtab_url <- "ftp://ftp.datasus.gov.br/dissemin/publicos/SIASUS/200801_/Auxiliar/TAB_SIA.zip"

  # Temporary file and dir
  temp_file <- tempfile()
  temp_dir <- tempdir()

  # Check local Internet connection
  local_internet <- curl::has_internet()
  if(local_internet == TRUE){
    message("Your local Internet connection seems to be ok.")
  } else {
    stop("It appears that your local Internet connection is not working. Can you check?")

  # Check DataSUS FTP server
  remote_file_is_availabe <- RCurl::url.exists("ftp.datasus.gov.br")
  if(remote_file_is_availabe == TRUE){
    message("DataSUS FTP server seems to be up. Starting download...")
  } else {
    message("It appears that DataSUS FTP is down. I will try to download the files anyway...")

  # Try to download file
    utils::download.file(sigtab_url, temp_file, mode = "wb", method = "libcurl")
  error=function(cond) {
    message(paste("Something went wrong while trying to download SIGTAB table. URL:", file))

  # sigtab file address
  sigtab_file <- file.path("DBF/TB_SIGTAW.dbf")

  # Unzip
  zip::unzip(zipfile = temp_file, exdir = temp_dir, overwrite = TRUE, files = sigtab_file)

  # Read and change columns names
  tmp <- foreign::read.dbf(file = file.path(temp_dir, sigtab_file))
  colnames(tmp) <- c("COD", "nome_proced")

  # Return sigtab data frame

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microdatasus documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:36 a.m.