
#' Prepares A Polygon Table
#' Takes the user supplied polygon table and prepares it to be plotted
#' correctly with the lmplot function.
#' @param tmp.map a shapefile to be parsed into a flat table for use with
#' ggplot2.
#' @param IDcolumn specify which column in the data file to use as a unique
#' identifier.
#' @param poly.thresh specify the minimum polygon area which to keep. All
#' polygons with less area will be dropped.
#' @return A flat table of all the polygons in the shapefile with an entry for
#' each vertice.
#' @author Quinn Payton \email{Payton.Quinn@@epa.gov}
#' @examples
#' data("USstates")
#' head(USstates@data)
#' statePolys <- create_map_table(USstates, IDcolumn="ST")
#' head(statePolys)
#' @export create_map_table
create_map_table <- function (tmp.map, IDcolumn = NA, poly.thresh=.0001) 
	 if(!poly.thresh) poly.thresh <- 0

    tot.area <- 0
    lPoly <- vector("list", length(tmp.map@polygons))
    for (i in 1:length(lPoly)) {
        tmp <- tmp.map@polygons[[i]]
        lPoly[[i]] <- lapply(1:length(tmp@Polygons), function(j) cbind(i, 
            j, tmp@Polygons[[j]]@labpt[1], tmp@Polygons[[j]]@labpt[2], 
            tmp@Polygons[[j]]@coords, tmp@Polygons[[j]]@hole, 
            tmp@Polygons[[j]]@area, tmp@plotOrder[[j]]))
	  tot.area <- tot.area + tmp@area

    dPoly <- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(lPoly)) {
        for (j in 1:length(lPoly[[i]])) {
            if(lPoly[[i]][[j]][1,8] > tot.area*poly.thresh) dPoly <- rbind(dPoly, lPoly[[i]][[j]])

    if (!is.na(IDcolumn)) {
        tmp.map@data$ID <- tmp.map@data[, IDcolumn]
    else {
        if (is.null(tmp.map@data$ID))  stop("\n ! No ID column exists\n ! No column has been specified as a unique polygon ID\n ! Create.map.table is confused and offended")

    dPoly2 <- data.frame(tmp.map@data$ID[dPoly[, 1]], dPoly)
    names(dPoly2) <- c("ID", "region", "poly", "lab.x", "lab.y", "coordsx", "coordsy", "hole", "area", "plotorder")
    dPoly2 <- transform(dPoly2, poly = (region - 1) * max(dPoly2$poly) + poly)

    tholes <- unique(subset(dPoly2, hole == 1)[, c("poly", "lab.x", "lab.y", "area")])
    tholes$rad <- tholes$area/(2 * pi)
    tnot <- unique(subset(dPoly2, hole == 0)[, c("poly", "lab.x", "lab.y")])

    w1 <- NULL
    if (nrow(tholes) > 0) {
        w <- sapply(1:nrow(tholes), function(j) which.min((tholes[j, 
            2] - tnot[, 2])^2 + (tholes[j, 3] - tnot[, 3])^2))
        w1 <- w[((tholes[, 2] - tnot[w, 2])^2 + (tholes[, 3] - 
            tnot[w, 3])^2) < abs(tholes$rad)]

    dPoly2$plug <- (dPoly2$poly %in% tnot$poly[w1]) * (1 - dPoly2$hole)
    dPoly2 <- dPoly2[, -c(4, 5, 9)]

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micromap documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:47 p.m.