Man pages for microsamplingDesign
Finding Optimal Microsampling Designs for Non-Compartmental Pharmacokinetic Analysis

addSchemesadd user defined scheme to an existing 'SetOfSchemes-class'...
changeDevSettingsFunction to overwrite default settings, print to console when...
checkConstraintsOktest constraints well specified
check_scheme_exactNumberObsPerTimePointcheck the number of observations per time points is equal...
check_scheme_minObsPerTimePointcheck the mimimum observations per time points is above a...
check_subject_maxConsecSamplescheck the maximum of consecutive samples per subject falls...
construct2CompModelconstruct a 2 compartmental 'PkModel-class' by providing...
constructSetOfSchemesconstruct user defined 'SetOfSchemes-class'
doAllSchemeCheckscheck whether either a 1 subject or multiple subject...
estimatePopCurveestimate population Pk curve from a scheme and pkData
extractByRankextract a timepoint or Scheme choice by its rank
flagSchemesMeetingConstraintsinternal function to check scheme constraints ( faster )
flattenSetOfSchemesTransform 3 way array to 2 way array
formatTimePointsFormat time points as a set
genMVNInternal function to generate multivariate data via a...
get2ComptModelCurveprovides solution of two compartmental pharmacodynamic model...
getAllTimeOptionsgenerate all possible time options from eligible time points...
getCoeffVariationErrorgeneric function to extract 'coeffVariationError' slot
getCombinationsWithMaxNRepetitionsget all combinations with a maximum number of repetitions
getConstraintsExampleget a minimal example of a constraint data frame
getCorrelationMatrixgeneric function to extract the 'correlationMatrix'-slot
getDatageneric function to extract the '.Data'-slot
getDevRankingSettingsfunction default ranking settings
getDosingInfogeneric function to extract 'dosingInfo'-slot
getExampleDatagenerate an mimimal example of a Pk data without a model
getExampleObjectiveexample objective function for 'rankObject'
getExampleParametersget example parameters to use in 'pkOdeModel2Compartments'...
getExamplePkCurveexample of 1 pk curve to be used to test...
getExamplePkModelget minimal example of 'PkModel-class'
getExamplePkModelRangeget minimal example of 'PkModelRange-class'
getExampleSetOfSchemesget a minimal example of a set of schemes object
getExampleSetOfTimePointsget a minimal example set of time points to test functions...
getExampleTimeDatagenerate example PkData object to be used in example...
getExampleTimeZonesworking example time zone dataframe to use in examples
getIndividualParameterssample subject specific parameters to input in...
getMMCurvecalculate Michealis-Menten relation between x and velocity...
getModelFunctiongeneric function to extract 'modelFunction' slot from...
getNamesgeneric function extract the names of an S4-object
getNSchemesgeneric function to extract 'nSchemes'-slot
getNSubjectsgeneric function to extract 'nSubjects'-slot
getParametersgeneric function to extract 'parameter'-slot
getPkDatasimulate 'PkData-class' from 'PkModel-class'
getPkModelgeneric function extract a 'PkModel-class'
getPkModelArticlereproduce the example of the article of Helen Barnet et al.
getPkModelsGenerate all possible 'PkModel-class' from...
getRankinggeneric function to extract the 'ranking'-slot
getResultPerSchemeget a result of the criteria per scheme zero concentration at...
getSetOfSchemesGenerate a 'SetOfSchemes-class' object of speficified...
getSummaryRanksinternal function to rank by a summary function over criterio
getTimeChoicePerformanceestimate the distance between population average an average...
getTimePointsgeneric function to extract 'timePoints'-slot
getTopNRankingextract the top n rankings as numeric vector
grapes-ARC-grapesAll Row Combinations (ARC) function take all combination of...
oneCompartmentOralModelsolution of one compartmental oral administration model only...
pkCurveStatcalculate summary statistics from a pkCurve
PkData-classAn S4 object containing samples from a Pk model
PkModel-classS4 class PkModel representing a pharmacokinetic model and its...
PkModelParent-classvirtual class, for testing 'PkModel-class' and...
PkModelRange-classS4 class PkModel representing a pharmacokinetic model and its...
pkOdeModel2CompartmentsSet of differential equations representing two compartmental...
plotAverageRatplot plasma concentration for average individual (i.e average...
plotMMCurveplot Michealis-Menten curve for either capacity dependent...
plotMMKineticsplot MM kinetics of both absorption and clearance
plotObjectgeneric function to plot an object
rankBasedOnDirectoryinternal function apply ranking per directory
rankObjectgeneric function to calulate a 'ranking'-slot
rankObjectWithRangeRank a 'SetOfSchemes-class' or a 'SetOfTimePoints' object...
runMicrosamplingDesignAppRun the PkPlotApp in a new tab in your browser
setCoeffVariationErrorreplace 'coeffVariationError'-slot
setCorrelationMatrixreplace 'correlationMatrix'-slot
setDosingInforeplace 'dosingInfo'-slot
setModelToAverageRatget a model with all variances to zero
SetOfSchemes-classS4 class SetOfSchemes representing a set of designs with...
SetOfTimePoints-classS4 class SetOfTimePoints representing a set of designs with...
setParametersreplace 'parameters'-slot
setRankingreplace 'ranking'-slot
setTimePointsgeneric function to replace 'timePoints'-slot
subsetOnTimePointsgeneric function to subset the 'timePoints'-slot and generate...
summaryfunction to summarize an object
summary-SetOfSchemes-methodsummarize object
microsamplingDesign documentation built on Oct. 13, 2021, 5:10 p.m.