dict_filtors_surprog: Progressive Surrogate Model Filtering

dict_filtors_surprogR Documentation

Progressive Surrogate Model Filtering


Performs progressive surrogate model filtering. A surrogate model is used, as described in the parent class FiltorSurrogate. The filtering is "progressive" in that successive values are filtered more agressively.


Given the number n_filter of of individuals to sample, and the desired pool size at round i pool_size(i), progressive surrogate model filtering proceeds as follows:

  1. Train the surrogate_learner LearnerRegr on the known_values and their fitnesses.

  2. Take pool_size(1) configurations, predict their expected performance using the surrogate model, and put them into a pool P of configurations to consider.

  3. Initialize i to 1.

  4. Take the individual that is optimal according to predicted performance, remove it from P and add it to solution set S.

  5. If the number of solutions in S equals n_filter, quit.

  6. If pool_size(i + 1) is larger than pool_size(i), take the next pool_size(i + 1) - pool_size(i) configurations, predict their expected performance using the surrogate model, and add them to P. Otherwise, remove pool_size(i) - pool_size(i + 1) random individuals from the pool. The size of P ends up being pool_size(i + 1) - i, as i individuals have also been removed and added to S.

  7. Increment i, jump to 4.

(The algorithm presented here is optimized for clarity; the actual implementation does all the surrogate model prediction in one go, but is functionally equivalent).

pool_size(i) is calculated as round(n_filter * pool_factor * (pool_factor_last / pool_factor) ^ (i / n_filter)), i.e. a log-linear interpolation from pool_factor * n_filter to pool_factor_last * n_filter.

The pool_factor and pool_factor_last configuration parameters of this algorithm determine how agressively the surrogate model is used to filter out sampled configurations. If the filtering is agressive (large values), then more "exploitation" at the cost of "exploration" is performed. When pool_factor is small but pool_factor_last is large (or vice-versa), then different individuals are filtered with different agressiveness, potentially leading to a tradeoff between "exploration" and "exploitation".

When pool_factor_last is set, it defaults to pool_factor, with no new individuals added and no individuals removed from the filter pool during filtering. It is equivalent to taking the top n_filter individuals out of a sample of n_filter * pool_factor.

Configuration Parameters

FiltorSurrogateProgressive's configuration parameters are the hyperparameters of the FiltorSurrogate base class, as well as:

  • filter.pool_factor :: numeric(1)
    pool_factor parameter of the progressive surrogate model filtering algorithm, see the corresponding section. Initialized to 1. Together with the default of filter.pool_factor_last, this is equivalent to random sampling new individuals.

  • filter.pool_factor_last :: numeric(1)
    pool_factor_last parameter of the progressive surrogate model filtering algorithm, see the corresponding section. When not given, it defaults to filter.pool_factor, equivalent to taking the top n_filter from n_filter * pool_factor individuals.

Supported Operand Types

See FiltorSurrogate about supported operand types.


This Filtor can be created with the short access form ftr() (ftrs() to get a list), or through the the dictionary dict_filtors in the following way:

# preferred:
ftr("surprog", <surrogate_learner> [, <surrogate_selector>])
ftrs("surprog", <surrogate_learner> [, <surrogate_selector>])  # takes vector IDs, returns list of Filtors

# long form:
dict_filtors$get("surprog", <surrogate_learner> [, <surrogate_selector>])

Super classes

miesmuschel::MiesOperator -> miesmuschel::Filtor -> miesmuschel::FiltorSurrogate -> FiltorSurrogateProgressive


Public methods

Inherited methods

Method new()

Initialize the FiltorSurrogateProgressive.

  surrogate_selector = SelectorBest$new()

Regression learner for the surrogate model filtering algorithm.
The ⁠$surrogate_learner⁠ field will reflect this value.


Regression learner for the surrogate model filtering algorithm.
The ⁠$surrogate_learner⁠ field will reflect this value.


(Selector) Selector for the surrogate model filtering algorithm.
The ⁠$surrogate_selector⁠ field will reflect this value.


(Selector) Selector for the surrogate model filtering algorithm.
The ⁠$surrogate_selector⁠ field will reflect this value.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

FiltorSurrogateProgressive$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.

See Also

Other filtors: Filtor, FiltorSurrogate, dict_filtors_maybe, dict_filtors_null, dict_filtors_proxy, dict_filtors_surtour


fp = ftr("surprog", lrn("regr.lm"), filter.pool_factor = 2)

p = ps(x = p_dbl(-5, 5))
known_data = data.frame(x = 1:5)
fitnesses = 1:5
new_data = data.frame(x = c(2.5, 4.5))



fp$operate(new_data, known_data, fitnesses, 1)

miesmuschel documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:23 p.m.