dict_recombinators_cvxpair: Convex Combination Recombinator for Pairs

dict_recombinators_cvxpairR Documentation

Convex Combination Recombinator for Pairs


Numeric Values between various individuals are recombined via component-wise convex combination (or weighted mean). Exactly two individuals are being recombined, and the lambda configuration parameter determines the relative weight of the first individual in each pair for the first result, and the relative weight of the second indivudual for the complement, if initialized with keep_complement set to TRUE.

Configuration Parameters

  • lambda :: numeric
    Combination weight. If keep_complement is TRUE, then two individuals are returned for each pair of input individuals: one corresponding to ⁠lambda * <1st individual> + (1-lambda) * <2nd individual>⁠, and one corresponding to ⁠(1-lambda) * <1st individual> + lambda * <2nd individual>⁠ (i.e. the complement). Otherwise, only the first of these two is generated. Must either be a scalar, or a vector with length equal to the number of components in the values being operated on. Must be between 0 and 1.
    Initialized to 0.5.

Supported Operand Types

Supported Domain classes are: p_dbl ('ParamDbl')


This Recombinator can be created with the short access form rec() (recs() to get a list), or through the the dictionary dict_recombinators in the following way:

# preferred:
recs("convex")  # takes vector IDs, returns list of Recombinators

# long form:

Super classes

miesmuschel::MiesOperator -> miesmuschel::Recombinator -> miesmuschel::RecombinatorPair -> RecombinatorConvexPair


Public methods

Inherited methods

Method new()

Initialize the RecombinatorConvexPair object.

RecombinatorConvexPair$new(keep_complement = TRUE)

Whether the operation should keep both resulting individuals (TRUE), or only the first and discard the complement (FALSE). Default TRUE. The ⁠$keep_complement⁠ field will reflect this value.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

RecombinatorConvexPair$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.

See Also

Other recombinators: OperatorCombination, Recombinator, RecombinatorPair, dict_recombinators_cmpmaybe, dict_recombinators_convex, dict_recombinators_maybe, dict_recombinators_null, dict_recombinators_proxy, dict_recombinators_sbx, dict_recombinators_sequential, dict_recombinators_swap, dict_recombinators_xonary, dict_recombinators_xounif


rcvx = rec("cvxpair")
p = ps(x = p_dbl(-5, 5), y = p_dbl(-5, 5), z = p_dbl(-5, 5))
data = data.frame(x = 0:5, y = 0:5, z = 0:5)

rcvx$operate(data)  # mean of groups of 2
# with the default value of lambda = 0.5, the default of
# keep_complement = TRUE means that pairs of equal values are generated;
# consider setting keep_complement = FALSE int that case.

rcvx$param_set$values$lambda = 0.1

miesmuschel documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:23 p.m.