Man pages for mixIndependR
Genetics and Independence Testing of Mixed Genetic Panels

AlleleFreqCalculate Allele Frequency
AlleleShareCalculate numbers of sharing alleles each pair at each locus
ComposPare_KGenerate Comparison Observed and Expected No. of Heterozygous...
ComposPare_XGenerate Comparison Observed and Expected No. of Shared...
countaSimple count including zero###
DistAlleleShareBuild Expected Distribution of Numbers of Shared Alleles
DistHeteroBuild Expected Distribution of Numbers of Heterozygous Loci
Dist_SimuChisqBuild a simulated distribution for Chi-Square
ExpProAlleleShareCalculate the Expected Probability of 0,1 and 2 Shared...
FreqAlleleShareBuild Observed Distribution of No. of Shared Alleles
FreqHeteroBuild Observed Distribution of No. of Heterozygous loci
GenotypeFreqCalculate Genotype Frequency###
HeterozygousTest heterozygosity at each locus
HWE.ChisqTest the Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium with Chi-square test####
mixexampleGenotype Data from A Selected Mix Panel
mixIndependKQuick pvalue of total number of heterozygous loci
mixIndependXQuick pvalue of total number of shared alleles
read_vcf_gtImport genotype data from vcf files/
RealProAlleleShareCalculate the Real Probability of 0,1 and 2 Shared Alleles###
RxpHeteroCalculate Real or Expected Average Heterozygosity at each...
Simulate_DistKGenerate a Bundle of Simulated distributions for No. of...
Simulate_DistXBuild a simulated distribution for No. of Shared Alleles
splitGenotypeSplit Genotype Table to Duo-Allele Table
mixIndependR documentation built on March 17, 2021, 5:09 p.m.