
Defines functions algoSelector

#' @title selects algorithms for imputation and post imputation
#' @description automatically sorts algorithms for imputation and post imputation
#' @author E. F. Haghish
#' @return integer
#' @keywords Internal
#' @noRd

algoSelector <- function(algos, postimpute) {
  #preimpute <- NULL
  impute <- NULL
  postimputealgos <- NULL

  supportedAlgos <- c("ELNET","RF","DL","GBM","XGB", "Ensemble")
  actualNames <- c("GLM","DRF","DeepLearning","GBM","XGBoost", "StackedEnsemble")
  #algos <- toupper(algos)

  # convert the names to the actuals
  for (i in supportedAlgos) {
    if (i %in% algos) algos[which(algos == i)] <- actualNames[which(supportedAlgos == i)]

  if (length(setdiff(x=algos, y=c("ELNET","GLM",
                    "Ensemble","StackedEnsemble"))) > 0) stop("some of the 'algos' are not recognised")

  if (postimpute) {
    # impute (by default both GLM and DRF are used for imputing)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    if ("ELNET" %in% algos) impute <- c("GLM")
    else if ("GLM" %in% algos) impute <- c("GLM")

    if ("RF" %in% algos) impute <- c(impute, "DRF")
    else if ("DRF" %in% algos) impute <- c(impute, "DRF")

    # postimpute (start with GBM, then XGB, then DL, then Ensemble)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    if ("GBM" %in% algos) {
      if (is.null(impute)) impute <- "GBM"
      else postimputealgos <- c(postimputealgos, "GBM")
    if ("XGB" %in% algos) {
      if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
        stop("XGB is not available in Windows")
      if (is.null(impute)) impute <- "XGBoost"
      else postimputealgos <- c(postimputealgos, "XGBoost")
    if ("DL" %in% algos) {
      if (is.null(impute)) impute <- "DeepLearning"
      else postimputealgos <- c(postimputealgos, "DeepLearning")

    # if Ensemble is specified, include the 'impute' algorithms
    if ("Ensemble" %in% algos) {
      if (is.null(impute)) stop("Ensemble is a meta learner and requires other algorithms. ")
      else postimputealgos <- c(impute, postimputealgos, "StackedEnsemble")

  # use all algorithms for imputation
  else {
    impute <- algos

  return(list(impute=impute, postimpute=postimputealgos))

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