
dataset <- DNA |>
  data.table::as.data.table() |>

seed <- 123
feature_cols <- colnames(dataset)[160:180]

param_list_xgboost <- expand.grid(
  subsample = seq(0.6, 1, .2),
  colsample_bytree = seq(0.6, 1, .2),
  min_child_weight = seq(1, 5, 4),
  learning_rate = seq(0.1, 0.2, 0.1),
  max_depth = seq(1, 5, 4)

if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_")))) {
  # on cran
  ncores <- 2L
} else {
  ncores <- ifelse(
    test = parallel::detectCores() > 4,
    yes = 4L,
    no = ifelse(
      test = parallel::detectCores() < 2L,
      yes = 1L,
      no = parallel::detectCores()

train_x <- model.matrix(
  ~ -1 + .,
  dataset[, .SD, .SDcols = feature_cols]
train_y <- as.integer(dataset[, get("Class")]) - 1L

options("mlexperiments.bayesian.max_init" = 10L)
options("mlexperiments.optim.xgb.nrounds" = 100L)
options("mlexperiments.optim.xgb.early_stopping_rounds" = 10L)

fold_list <- splitTools::create_folds(
  y = train_y,
  k = 3,
  type = "stratified",
  seed = seed

# ###########################################################################
# ###########################################################################

xgboost_bounds <- list(
  subsample = c(0.2, 1),
  colsample_bytree = c(0.2, 1),
  min_child_weight = c(1L, 10L),
  learning_rate = c(0.1, 0.2),
  max_depth =  c(1L, 10L)
optim_args <- list(
  iters.n = ncores,
  kappa = 3.5,
  acq = "ucb"

# ###########################################################################
# ###########################################################################

  desc = "test nested cv, bayesian, multi:softprob - xgboost, with weights",
  code = {

    xgboost_optimizer <- mlexperiments::MLNestedCV$new(
      learner = mllrnrs::LearnerXgboost$new(
        metric_optimization_higher_better = FALSE
      strategy = "bayesian",
      fold_list = fold_list,
      k_tuning = 3L,
      ncores = ncores,
      seed = seed

    xgboost_optimizer$parameter_bounds <- xgboost_bounds
    xgboost_optimizer$parameter_grid <- param_list_xgboost
    xgboost_optimizer$split_type <- "stratified"
    xgboost_optimizer$optim_args <- optim_args

    y_weights <- ifelse(train_y == 1, 0.8, ifelse(train_y == 2, 1.2, 1))
    xgboost_optimizer$learner_args <- list(
      objective = "multi:softprob",
      eval_metric = "mlogloss",
      num_class = 3,
      case_weights = y_weights
    xgboost_optimizer$predict_args <- list(reshape = TRUE)
    xgboost_optimizer$performance_metric <- mlexperiments::metric("bacc")

    # set data
      x = train_x,
      y = train_y

    cv_results <- xgboost_optimizer$execute()
    expect_type(cv_results, "list")
    expect_equal(dim(cv_results), c(3, 11))
      x = xgboost_optimizer$results,
      what = "mlexCV"

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mllrnrs documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:30 p.m.