
Defines functions withinBetween

Documented in withinBetween

#' Within between variance estimation
#' This function implements the within-between variance estimation approach. If the imputations
#' were generated using posterior draws, it implements the approach proposed by Barnard & Rubin (1999).
#' If posterior draws were not used, it implements the WB approach described by von Hippel and
#' Bartlett (2021).
#' @param imps A list of imputed datasets produced by one of the imputation functions
#' in \code{mlmi} or another package.
#' @param analysisFun A function to analyse the imputed datasets that when applied to
#' a dataset returns a list containing a vector \code{est} and covariance matrix \code{var}.
#' @param pd If \code{imps} was not generated by one of the imputation functions in
#' \code{mlmi}, this argument must be specified to indicate whether the imputations
#' were generated using posterior draws (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
#' @param dfComplete The complete data degrees of freedom. If \code{analysisFun} returns a vector
#' of parameter estimates, \code{dfComplete} should be a vector of the same length. If not
#' specified, it is assumed that the complete data degrees of freedom is effectively infinite (1e+05).
#' @param ... Other parameters that are to be passed through to \code{analysisFun}.
#' @return A list containing the overall parameter estimates, its corresponding covariance matrix, and
#' degrees of freedom for each parameter.
#' @references Barnard J, Rubin DB. Miscellanea. Small-sample degrees of freedom with multiple imputation.
#' Biometrika 1999; 86(4): 948-955. \doi{10.1093/biomet/86.4.948}
#' @references von Hippel P.T. and Bartlett J.W. Maximum likelihood multiple imputation: faster,
#' more efficient imputation without posterior draws. Statistical Science 2021; 36(3) 400-420 \doi{10.1214/20-STS793}.
#' @example data-raw/wbExample.r
#' @export
withinBetween <- function(imps, analysisFun, pd=NULL, dfComplete=NULL, ...) {
  M <- length(imps)
  if ("pd" %in% names(attributes(imps)) == TRUE) {
    pd <- as.logical(attributes(imps)['pd'])
  } else {
    if (is.null(pd)==TRUE) {
      stop("Your imputed datasets doesn't have a pd attribute stored, so you must use specify the pd argument when calling wb.")

  #run analysis on first imputation to find out length of parameter vector
  result <- analysisFun(imps[[1]],...)
  numParms <- length(result$est)

  #analyse each imputed datasets
  ests <- array(0, dim=c(M,numParms))
  vars <- array(0, dim=c(M,numParms,numParms))
  for (m in 1:M) {
    result <- analysisFun(imps[[m]],...)
    ests[m,] <- result$est
    vars[m,,] <- result$var
  thetaHat <- colMeans(ests)
  What <- apply(vars, c(2,3), mean)
  Bhat <- var(ests)

  if (is.null(dfComplete)) {
    #assume effectively infinite degrees of freedom for each parameter
    dfComplete <- rep(100000,numParms)

  if (pd==FALSE) {
    #implement von Hippel's WB variance
    if (numParms==1) {
      gammaHatMis <- Bhat/What
      gammaTildeMis <- h(gammaHatMis, M-1)
      gammaTildeObs <- 1-gammaTildeMis
      VTildeML_MLMI_WB <- What / gammaTildeObs
      vTildeMLMI_WB <- VTildeML_MLMI_WB + Bhat/M
      totalVar <- vTildeMLMI_WB

      #degrees of freedom
      VTildeML_WB <- VTildeML_MLMI_WB
      nuTildeML_WB <- (M-1)*(gammaTildeObs/gammaTildeMis)^2 - 4
      nuHatMLMI_WB <- vTildeMLMI_WB^2 / (VTildeML_WB^2/nuTildeML_WB + (Bhat/M)^2 / (M-1))
      nuTildeObs <- dfComplete*gammaTildeObs*(dfComplete+3)/(dfComplete+1)
      nuTildeMLMI_WB <- max(3,((1/nuHatMLMI_WB) + (1/nuTildeObs))^(-1))

      MIdf <- nuTildeMLMI_WB

    } else {
      gammaHatMis <- solve(What) %*% Bhat
      gammaTildeMis <- H(gammaHatMis, M-1)
      gammaTildeObs <- diag(numParms)-gammaTildeMis
      VTildeML_MLMI_WB <- What %*% solve(gammaTildeObs)
      vTildeMLMI_WB <- VTildeML_MLMI_WB + Bhat/M

      totalVar <- vTildeMLMI_WB
      #degrees of freedom
      VTildeML_WB <- diag(VTildeML_MLMI_WB)
      Bhat <- diag(Bhat)
      gammaTildeMis <- mean(diag(gammaTildeMis))
      gammaTildeObs <- mean(diag(gammaTildeObs))
      vTildeMLMI_WB <- diag(vTildeMLMI_WB)

      nuTildeML_WB <- (M-1)*(gammaTildeObs/gammaTildeMis)^2 - 4
      nuHatMLMI_WB <- vTildeMLMI_WB^2 / (VTildeML_WB^2/nuTildeML_WB + (Bhat/M)^2 / (M-1))
      nuTildeObs <- dfComplete*gammaTildeObs*(dfComplete+3)/(dfComplete+1)
      nuTildeMLMI_WB <- pmax(3,((1/nuHatMLMI_WB) + (1/nuTildeObs))^(-1))

      MIdf <- nuTildeMLMI_WB

  } else {
    #Rubin's rules
    VhatPDMI_WB <- What + (1+1/M)*Bhat
    totalVar <- VhatPDMI_WB
    #calculate Barnard and Rubin degrees of freedom, element-wise, as per Stata
    MIdf <- rep(0, numParms)
    for (i in 1:numParms) {
      gammaTildeMis <- (1+1/M)*Bhat[i,i]/totalVar[i,i]
      nuHatPDMI_WB <- (M-1)/gammaTildeMis^2
      nuTildeObs <- dfComplete*(1-gammaTildeMis)*(dfComplete+1)/(dfComplete+3)
      nuTildePDMI_WB <- max(3, (1/nuHatPDMI_WB + 1/nuTildeObs)^(-1))
      MIdf[i] <- nuTildePDMI_WB

  list(est=thetaHat, var=totalVar, df=MIdf)

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mlmi documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:26 p.m.