
Defines functions print.ChainModel getLearnerModel.BaseWrapperModel makeChainModel

Documented in makeChainModel

#' Only exported for internal use.
#' @param next.model ([WrappedModel])\cr
#'   The next model.
#' @param cl ([character])\cr
#'   Subclass to assign to the resulting model.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
makeChainModel = function(next.model, cl) {
  setClasses(list(next.model = next.model), c(cl, "ChainModel", "WrappedModel"))

#' @export
getLearnerModel.BaseWrapperModel = function(model, more.unwrap = FALSE) {
  # FIXME: this structure and special-cases really suck. FailureModel and NoFeaturesModel
  # should probably be redesigned at some point
  if (inherits(model$learner.model, "NoFeaturesModel")) {
  if (more.unwrap) {
    getLearnerModel(model$learner.model$next.model, more.unwrap = TRUE)
  } else {

#' @export
print.ChainModel = function(x, ...) {

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