mlr_measures_regr.ktau: Kendall's tau

mlr_measures_regr.ktauR Documentation

Kendall's tau


Measure to compare true observed response with predicted response in regression tasks.


Kendall's tau is defined as Kendall's rank correlation coefficient between truth and response. It is defined as

\tau = \frac{(\mathrm{number of concordant pairs)} - (\mathrm{number of discordant pairs)}}{\mathrm{(number of pairs)}}

Calls stats::cor() with method set to "kendall".


This Measure can be instantiated via the dictionary mlr_measures or with the associated sugar function msr():



Empty ParamSet

Meta Information

  • Type: "regr"

  • Range: [-1, 1]

  • Minimize: FALSE

  • Required prediction: response


The score function calls mlr3measures::ktau() from package mlr3measures.

If the measure is undefined for the input, NaN is returned. This can be customized by setting the field na_value.

See Also

Dictionary of Measures: mlr_measures for a complete table of all (also dynamically created) Measure implementations.

Other regression measures: mlr_measures_regr.bias, mlr_measures_regr.mae, mlr_measures_regr.mape, mlr_measures_regr.maxae, mlr_measures_regr.medae, mlr_measures_regr.medse, mlr_measures_regr.mse, mlr_measures_regr.msle, mlr_measures_regr.pbias, mlr_measures_regr.pinball, mlr_measures_regr.rae, mlr_measures_regr.rmse, mlr_measures_regr.rmsle, mlr_measures_regr.rrse, mlr_measures_regr.rse, mlr_measures_regr.sae, mlr_measures_regr.smape, mlr_measures_regr.srho, mlr_measures_regr.sse

mlr3 documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 9:07 a.m.