Man pages for modEvA
Model Evaluation and Analysis

applyThresholdApply threshold(s) to model predictions
arrangePlotsArrange plots
AUCArea Under the Curve
BoyceBoyce Index
confusionLabelLabel predictions according to their confusion matrix...
confusionMatrixConfusion matrix
DsquaredExplained deviance
evaluateEvaluate a model based on the elements of a confusion matrix.
evennessEvenness in a binary vector.
getBinsGet bins of continuous values.
getModEqnGet model equation
getThresholdPrediction threshold for a given criterion
HLfitHosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit
inputMunchMunch inputs into 'obs' and 'pred' vectors
lollipopLollipop chart
MESSMultivariate Environmental Similarity Surfaces based on a...
MillerCalibMiller's calibration satistics for logistic regression models
mod2obspredExtract observed and predicted values from a model object.
modEvAmethodsMethods implemented in modEvA functions
modEvA-packageModel Evaluation and Analysis
multModEvMultiple model evaluation
OAOverlap Analysis
optiPairOptimize the classification threshold for a pair of related...
optiThreshOptimize threshold for model evaluation.
plotGLMPlot a generalized linear model
predDensityPlot the density of predicted or predictor values for...
predPlotPlot predicted values for presences and absences, optionally...
ptsrast2obspredObserved and predicted values from presence points and a...
quantReclassReclassify continuous values based on quantiles
range01Shrink or stretch a vector to make it range between 0 and 1
RMSERoot mean square error
rotif.modsRotifer distribution models
RsqGLMR-squared measures for GLMs
similaritySimilarity measures
standard01Standardize to 0-1 (or vice-versa)
threshMeasuresThreshold-based measures of model evaluation
varImpVariable importance.
varPartVariation partitioning
modEvA documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:27 p.m.