findOptimalBasisM2FromScratch <- function(M, N, P, Tau, U0Vec, YMat, XMat){
#findOptimalBasisM2FromScratch <- function(M, N, P, Tau, U0Vec, YMat, XMat), output: list(TST, NewU0Vec, IsFound, TrialST)
#finding a nondegenerate initial optimal solution with nonzero finite coefficients a and b
#M, N, P, Tau ... m, n, p, \tau from the CS article
#input U0Vec is assumed to be a normalized vertex of the [-1,1]^M (hyper)cube where the computation should start
#YMat ... the response matrix NxM
#XMat ... the design matrix NxP
#IsFound ... whether the optimal solution has been found (1) or not (0)
#output U0Vec ... the direction corresponding to the final optimal solution
#TrialST the list providing some information about the search
# TrialST$NNotFound ... the number of unsuccessful attempts to find any optimal solution
# TrialST$NBad ... the number of found optimal solutions not meeting the suitability conditions,
# i.e. with the wrong number of zero/infinite coordinates
# (within the prespecified numerical error given by NZBound)
#TST the list containing the information about the optimal basis corresponding to the output U0Vec,
# i.e. containing the vectors I_Z, I_e, IT_e, I_b, IT_b, I_a, IT_a, I_B, I_R, I_C
# described in the article (IT ... \tilde{I})
TST <- list(); IsFound <- FALSE; TrialST <- list(); TrialST$NNotFound <- 0; TrialST$NBad <- 0
#setting the necessary technical parameters
NTrial <- 30; #the maximum number of different choices of u_0 tried in case of troubles,
# i.e. the number of attempts to find the suitable optimal solution
NZBound <- 1e-10; #the bound/threshold for determining zero coordinates in the solution vector
#auxiliary constants and variables
P2PlusM2 <- 2*(P+M)
NewU0Vec <- U0Vec
#constructing vectors and matrices appearing in the linear representation of the problem (P):
# min CRVec'*ZHRVec subject to ARMat*ZHRVec = BRVec, ZHRVec >= 0
#(the original representation is modified/reduced by taking u for b)
#DenseMat <- [UMat, -VMat]; UMat and -VMat are submatrices of APMat described in the CS article
DenseMat = matrix(0,N,P2PlusM2)
for (j in 1:M){DenseMat[,2*j-1] <- YMat[,j]; DenseMat[,2*j] <- -YMat[,j]}; rm( YMat)
for (j in 1:P){DenseMat[,2*M+2*j-1] <- -XMat[,j]; DenseMat[,2*M+2*j] <- XMat[,j]}; rm( XMat)
CRVec <- rbind(matrix(0,2*P,1), Tau*matrix(1,N,1), (1-Tau)*matrix(1,N,1))
ARMat <- cbind(DenseMat[,(2*M+1):P2PlusM2], -diag(1,N), diag(1,N))
for (IndTrial in 1:NTrial){
#a new choice of U0Vec in the same orthant (if required)
if (IndTrial > 1){NewU0Vec <- U0Vec + 0.9*runif(1)*(runif(M,-0.5,0.5))/sqrt(M); NewU0Vec <- NewU0Vec/norm(NewU0Vec,type="2")}
BetaVec <- matrix(0,2*M,1)
for (j in 1:M){BetaVec[2*j-1] <- max(0,NewU0Vec[j]); BetaVec[2*j] <- max(0,-NewU0Vec[j])}
BRVec <- -DenseMat[,1:(2*M)]%*%BetaVec
#computing initial optimal solution ZHVec
lpO <- lp("min", CRVec, ARMat, array('==', dim=c(N+1,1)), BRVec)
ZHVec <- rbind(BetaVec, as.matrix(lpO$solution)) #the solution to the original problem (P)
#checking for optimization errors
if ((lpO$status > 0) || any(is.infinite(ZHVec))){TrialST$NNotFound <- TrialST$NNotFound + 1; next}
#identifying basic variables (dealing with near-zeros)
#A coefficients
ACoefVec <- ZHVec[2*(M+1:P)-1] - ZHVec[2*(M+1:P)]
for (j in 1:P){
if (abs(ACoefVec[j]) < NZBound){ACoefVec[j] <- 0}
ZHVec[2*M+2*j-1] <- max( ACoefVec[j],0)
ZHVec[2*M+2*j] <- max(-ACoefVec[j],0)
} #for j
RVec = ZHVec[(P2PlusM2+1):(P2PlusM2+N)] - ZHVec[(P2PlusM2+N+1):(P2PlusM2+2*N)]
for (j in 1:N){
if (abs(RVec[j]) < NZBound){RVec[j] <- 0}
ZHVec[P2PlusM2+j] <- max( RVec[j],0)
ZHVec[P2PlusM2+N+j] <- max(-RVec[j],0)
} #for j
sortStruct <- sort(ZHVec, decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)
if ((sortStruct$x[N+M+1] != 0)|(sortStruct$x[N+M] == 0)){TrialST$NBad <- TrialST$NBad + 1; next}
#creating index vectors I_Z, I_e, IT_e, I_b, IT_b, I_a, IT_a, I_B, I_R, I_C
IB <- sort(sortStruct$ix[1:(N+M)])
TST$ITe <- IB[(IB >= P2PlusM2+N+1) & (IB <= P2PlusM2+2*N)] - P2PlusM2 - N
TST$Nu <- length(TST$ITe)
TST$Ie <- IB[(IB >= P2PlusM2+1) & (IB <= P2PlusM2+N)] - P2PlusM2
TST$Pi <- length(TST$Ie)
TST$IZ <- setdiff(1:N,union(TST$Ie,TST$ITe))
TST$Ia <- IB[(IB >= 2*M+1) & (IB <= P2PlusM2)]
TST$ITa <- TST$Ia + ((TST$Ia %% 2) == 1) - ((TST$Ia %% 2) == 0)
TST$Ib <- IB[(IB <= 2*M)]
TST$ITb <- TST$Ib + ((TST$Ib %% 2) == 1) - ((TST$Ib %% 2) == 0)
if ((length(TST$Ib) != M) || (length(TST$Ia) != P)){TrialST$NBad <- TrialST$NBad + 1; next}
TST$IC <- c(IB, TST$ITb, TST$ITa, P2PlusM2+TST$IZ, (P2PlusM2+N)+TST$IZ, (P2PlusM2+N)+TST$Ie, P2PlusM2+TST$ITe)
IsFound <- TRUE
} #for IndTrial
U0Vec <- NewU0Vec
return(list(TST, NewU0Vec, IsFound, TrialST))
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