
OLS 1 Poisson 1 OLS 2 Logit 1 Logit 2

(Intercept) 349.287** 5.972 1.349 17.100 1.403

         (103.509) (0.105)   (0.219)   (10.843) (1.368)

mpg -9.417 -0.078*

         (2.676)   (0.004)

wt -4.168 -0.072

         (16.485)            (0.087)

drat 0.139*** -1.717

                   (0.038)             (1.909)

hp -0.005** -0.089 0.122+

                             (0.001)   (0.039)  (0.068)

disp -0.095*


Num.Obs. 32 32 32 32 32

R2 0.603 0.534

R2 Adj. 0.576 0.502

AIC 338.8 511.7 29.5 21.9 22.7

BIC 344.6 516.1 35.4 26.3 27.1

Log.Lik. -165.392 -252.848 -10.764 -7.928 -8.356

F 22.053 16.601

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