Getting Started with Modeltime Resample"

    message = FALSE,
    warning = FALSE,
    fig.width = 8, 
    fig.height = 4.5,
    fig.align = 'center',
    dpi = 100

Modeltime Resample provide a convenient toolkit for efficiently evaluating multiple models across time, increasing our confidence in model selections.

Single Time Series

Resampling gives us a way to compare multiple models across time.

In this tutorial, we'll get you up to speed by evaluating multiple models using resampling of a single time series.

Getting Started Setup

Load the following R packages.


We'll work with the m750 data set.

m750 %>%
  plot_time_series(date, value, .interactive = FALSE)

Step 1 - Make a Cross-Validation Training Plan

We'll use timetk::time_series_cv() to generate 4 time-series resamples.

resamples_tscv <- time_series_cv(
    data        = m750,
    assess      = "2 years",
    initial     = "5 years",
    skip        = "2 years",
    slice_limit = 4


Next, visualize the resample strategy to make sure we're happy with our choices.

# Begin with a Cross Validation Strategy
resamples_tscv %>%
    tk_time_series_cv_plan() %>%
    plot_time_series_cv_plan(date, value, .facet_ncol = 2, .interactive = FALSE)

Step 2 - Make a Modeltime Table

Create models and add them to a Modeltime Table with Modeltime. I've already created 3 models (ARIMA, Prophet, and GLMNET) and saved the results as part of the modeltime package m750_models.


Step 3 - Generate Resample Predictions

Generate resample predictions using modeltime_fit_resamples():

resamples_fitted <- m750_models %>%
        resamples = resamples_tscv,
        control   = control_resamples(verbose = FALSE)


Step 4 - Evaluate the Results

Accuracy Plot

Visualize the model resample accuracy using plot_modeltime_resamples(). Some observations:

resamples_fitted %>%
      .point_size  = 3, 
      .point_alpha = 0.8,
      .interactive = FALSE

Accuracy Table

We can compare the overall modeling approaches by evaluating the results with modeltime_resample_accuracy(). The default is to report the average summary_fns = mean, but this can be changed to any summary function or a list containing multiple summary functions (e.g. summary_fns = list(mean = mean, sd = sd)). From the table below, ARIMA has a 6% lower RMSE, indicating it's the best choice for consistent performance on this dataset.

resamples_fitted %>%
    modeltime_resample_accuracy(summary_fns = mean) %>%
    table_modeltime_accuracy(.interactive = FALSE)


Resampling gives us a way to compare multiple models across time. In this example, we can see that the ARIMA model performs better than the Prophet and GLMNET models with a lower RMSE. This won't always be the case (every time series is different).

This is a quick overview of Getting Started with Modeltime Resample. To learn how to tune, ensemble, and work with multiple groups of Time Series, take my High-Performance Time Series Course.

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modeltime.resample documentation built on April 14, 2023, 12:31 a.m.