latlon2xyz: Convert back and forth between latitude/longitude and...

View source: R/rgeo.R

xyz2latlonR Documentation

Convert back and forth between latitude/longitude and XYZ-space


Convert back and forth between latitude/longitude and XYZ-space


xyz2latlon(x, y, z)

latlon2xyz(latitude, longitude)

lonlat2xyz(longitude, latitude)


x, y, z

numeric vectors

latitude, longitude

vectors of latitude and longitude values


a matrix each row of which describes the latitudes and longitudes

a matrix each row of which contains the x, y, and z coordinates of a point on a unit sphere

See Also

deg2rad(), googleMap(), and rgeo().


xyz2latlon(1, 1, 1)     # point may be on sphere of any radius
xyz2latlon(0, 0, 0)     # this produces a NaN for latitude
latlon2xyz(30, 45)
lonlat2xyz(45, 30)

mosaic documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:27 a.m.