

landform_cove = lsp_signature(landform,
                              type = "cove",
                              window = c(200, 100),
                              threshold = 1,
                              normalization = "pdf")

landform_lsp_sf = lsp_add_sf(landform, window = c(200, 100))
landform_lsp_cove = lsp_add_sf(landform_cove)
landform_lsp_cove_stars = lsp_add_stars(landform_cove)
landform_lsp_stars = lsp_add_stars(landform, window = c(200, 100))
landform_lsp_cove_terra = lsp_add_terra(landform_cove)
landform_lsp_terra = lsp_add_terra(landform, window = c(200, 100))

test_that("the output structure is correct", {
  expect_equal(dim(landform_cove), c(49, 3))
  expect_equal(nrow(landform_cove), 49)
  expect_equal(nrow(landform_lsp_sf), 49)
  expect_equal(unname(dim(landform_lsp_cove_stars)), c(7, 7))
  expect_equal(unname(dim(landform_lsp_stars)), c(7, 7))
  expect_equal(dim(landform_lsp_cove_terra), c(7, 7, 80))
  expect_equal(dim(landform_lsp_terra), c(7, 7, 1))

# # library(sf)
# # devtools::load_all()
# # signature ---------------------------------------------------------------
# landform_cove = lsp_signature(landform,
#                               type = "cove",
#                               window = c(200, 100),
#                               threshold = 1,
#                               normalization = "pdf")
# # add examples ------------------------------------------------------------
# selected_coma = lsp_add_examples(x = landform_cove, y = landform)
# selected_coma
# # add spatial -------------------------------------------------------------
# landform_lsp_sf = lsp_add_sf(landform, window = c(200, 100))
# plot(landform_lsp_sf[1])
# landform_lsp_cove = lsp_add_sf(landform_cove)
# plot(landform_lsp_cove[1])
# landform_lsp_cove_stars = lsp_add_stars(landform_cove)
# plot(landform_lsp_cove_stars[1])
# landform_lsp_stars = lsp_add_stars(landform, window = c(200, 100))
# plot(landform_lsp_stars[1])
# library(terra)
# landform_lsp_cove_terra = lsp_add_terra(landform_cove)
# plot(landform_lsp_cove_terra)
# landform_lsp_terra = lsp_add_terra(landform, window = c(200, 100))
# plot(landform_lsp_terra)
# # search ------------------------------------------------------------------
# s_cove = lsp_search(landform_ext,
#                     landform,
#                     type = "cove",
#                     dist_fun = "jensen-shannon",
#                     threshold = 0.9,
#                     window = c(200, 100))
# plot(s_cove)
# # compare -----------------------------------------------------------------
# c_composition = lsp_compare(
#   landcover,
#   landcoverold,
#   type = "composition",
#   dist_fun = "jensen-shannon",
#   threshold = 0.9,
#   window = c(200, 100)
# )
# # clusters ----------------------------------------------------------------
# landform_cove = lsp_signature(landform, type = "cove", window = c(200, 100),
#                               threshold = 0.5, normalization = "pdf")
# landform_dist = lsp_to_dist(landform_cove, dist_fun = "jensen-shannon")
# landform_hclust = hclust(landform_dist, method = "ward.D2")
# clusters = cutree(landform_hclust, k = 6)
# safe_pal = c("#88CCEE", "#CC6677", "#DDCC77",
#              "#117733", "#332288", "#888888")
# suppressWarnings({landform_grid_stars = lsp_add_clusters(landform_cove, clusters, output = "stars")})
# plot(landform_grid_stars["clust"], col = safe_pal)
# landform_grid_sf = lsp_add_clusters(landform_cove, clusters)
# landform_grid_sfq_c = lsp_add_quality(landform_grid_sf, landform_dist)
# landform_grid_sfq_s = lsp_add_quality(landform_grid_sf, landform_dist, type = "segmentation")
# landform_grid_sf_sel = landform_grid_sf %>%
#   dplyr::filter(na_prop < 0.01) %>%
#   dplyr::group_by(clust) %>%
#   dplyr::slice_sample(n = 4, replace = TRUE)
# landform_grid_sf_sel = lsp_add_examples(x = landform_grid_sf_sel, y = landform)
# landform_clust_m = lsp_mosaic(landform_grid_sf_sel)

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motif documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:30 p.m.