
Defines functions phyloVar

Documented in phyloVar

#' @title Calculation of Brownian variance.
#' @description This function calculates the phylogenetic variance (Brownian variance, or rate) of the data given the tree and model of evolution 
#' @param rateData an object of class \code{rateData}
#' @param rate a vector of relative rate parameters. The length of the vector is equal to the number of rates being estimated. If \code{rate=NULL} then rates are equal.
#' @param common.mean a logical specififying whether each rate category should have its own mean (\code{common.mean=FALSE}) or all categories should have the same mean (\code{common.mean=FALSE}). See Thomas et al. (2009) for a discussion on the impact of assumptions about mean on rate estimates.
#' @param lambda.est Logical. Fit Pagel's lambda.
#' @param lambda Numeric value for lambda from 0-1.
#' @param meserr Logical. Include measurement error.
#' @return phylo.var  phylogenetic variance (Brownian variance)
#' @references Thomas GH, Freckleton RP, & Szekely T. 2006. Comparative analyses of the influence of developmental mode on phenotypic diversification rates in shorebirds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 273, 1619-1624.
#'  @references Thomas GH, Meiri S, & Phillimore AB. 2009. Body size diversification in Anolis: novel environments and island effects. Evolution 63, 2017-2030.
#' @author Gavin Thomas, Rob Freckleton
#' @examples
#'  ## Read in phylogeny and data from Thomas et al. (2009)
#' data(anolis.tree)
#' data(anolis.data)
#' ## Convert data to class rateData with a rateMatrix object as input
#' anolis.rateMatrix <- as.rateMatrix(phy=anolis.tree, x="geo_ecomorph", data=anolis.data)
#' anolis.rateData <- as.rateData(y="Female_SVL", x="geo_ecomorph", 
#' rateMatrix = anolis.rateMatrix, phy=NULL, data=anolis.data, log.y=TRUE)
#' # A model with a different rate in each of the four groups. The 'fixed' command is used to determine
#' # whether a particular rate is to be constrained or not. Use '1' to fix a group and 'FALSE' to show
#' # that the parameter is not fixed and should be estimated. The values should be entered in the same 
#' # order as the ranking of the groups. That is, group 0 (small islands) takes position one in the 
#' # fixed vector, group 1 (large island trunk crown and trunk ground) takes position 2 and so on. 
#' # The default is to allow each group to take a different mean. 
#' phyloVar(anolis.rateData, rate=c(1,2,1,1), common.mean=FALSE)
#' # common mean for all groups
#' phyloVar(anolis.rateData, rate=c(1,2,1,1), common.mean=TRUE)
#' @export

phyloVar <-
function(rateData, rate=NULL, common.mean=FALSE, lambda.est=TRUE, lambda=1, meserr=FALSE) {
		if(is.null(rate))  { rate <- c(rep(1,length(rateData$Vmat))) } else { rate <- rate }	
		if(length(rate) != length(rateData$Vmat)){stop("The number of rates defined differs from the number of rate matrices")}
		y <- rateData$y
		x <- as.factor(rateData$x)
		if (common.mean==FALSE) {k <- nlevels(x)} else {k <- 1}
		V <- transformRateMatrix(rateData, rate)
		if (lambda.est & !meserr) {
			v.temp <- V
			diag(v.temp) <- rep(0, dim(V)[1])
			V.lam <- lambda*v.temp
			diag(V.lam) <- diag(V)
			V <- V.lam
		x <- make.anc(y, x)
		if(common.mean==FALSE) {x <- x} else { x <- rep(1, length(x[,1]))}
		mu <- phyloMean(rateData, rate, common.mean=common.mean, lambda.est, lambda)
			iV <- solve(V)
			e <- y - x %*% mu
			s2 <- crossprod(e, iV %*% e)
			n <- length(y) 
			phylo.var <- ( s2 / (n - k) )

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