
Defines functions add_colourscale

Documented in add_colourscale

#' Add scale to frames
#' This function adjusts the colour scales of the animation frames created with \code{\link{frames_spatial}} and custom map imagery.
#' @inheritParams add_labels
#' @param type character, either \code{"gradient"} or \code{"discrete"}. Must be equal to the defintion of argument \code{r_type} with which \code{frames} have been created (see \code{\link{frames_spatial}}).
#' @param colours character, a vector of colours. If \code{type = "discrete"}, number of colours must be equal to the number of classes contained in the raster imagery with which \code{frames} have been created. Optioanlly, the vector can be named to associate map values with colours and define the scale limits, e.g. \code{c("-1" = "red", "0" = "blue", "1" = "green")}
#' @param labels character, a vector of labels with the same length as \code{colours}. Ignored, if \code{type = "gradient"}.
#' @param na.colour character, colour to use for missing values.
#' @param na.show logical, whether to display NA values in discrete scaling. Ignored, if \code{type = "gradient"}.
#' @param legend_title character, a legend title.
#' @return List of frames.
#' @author Jakob Schwalb-Willmann
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_fill_gradientn scale_fill_manual expr
#' @examples
#' library(moveVis)
#' library(move)
#' data("move_data", "basemap_data")
#' # align movement
#' m <- align_move(move_data, res = 4, unit = "mins")
#' # create spatial frames with frames_spatial:
#' r_list <- basemap_data[[1]]
#' r_times <- basemap_data[[2]]
#' \donttest{
#' frames <- frames_spatial(m, r_list = r_list, r_times = r_times, r_type = "gradient",
#'                          fade_raster = TRUE)
#' frames[[100]] # take a look at one of the frames
#' # default blue is boring, let's change the colour scale of all frames
#' frames <- add_colourscale(frames, type = "gradient", colours = c("orange", "white", "darkgreen"),
#'                           legend_title = "NDVI")
#' frames[[100]]
#' # let's make up some classification data with 10 classes
#' r_list <- lapply(r_list, function(x){
#'   y <- raster::setValues(x, round(raster::getValues(x)*10))
#'   return(y)
#' })
#' # turn fade_raster to FALSE, since it makes no sense to temporally interpolate discrete classes
#' frames <- frames_spatial(m, r_list = r_list, r_times = r_times, r_type = "discrete",
#'                          fade_raster = FALSE)
#' frames[[100]]
#' # now, let's assign a colour per class value to frames
#' colFUN <- colorRampPalette(c("orange", "lightgreen", "darkgreen"))
#' cols <- colFUN(10)
#' frames <- add_colourscale(frames, type = "discrete", colours = cols, legend_title = "Classes")
#' frames[[100]]
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{frames_spatial}} \code{\link{frames_graph}} \code{\link{animate_frames}}
#' @export

add_colourscale <- function(frames, type, colours, labels = waiver(), na.colour = "grey50", na.show = TRUE, legend_title = NULL, verbose = TRUE){
  ## checks
  if(inherits(verbose, "logical")) options(moveVis.verbose = verbose)
  if(!inherits(frames, "list")) out("Argument 'frames' needs to be a list of ggplot objects. See frames_spatial()).", type = 3)
  if(!all(sapply(frames, function(x) inherits(x, "ggplot")))) out("At least one element of argument 'frames' is not a ggplot object.", type = 3)
  if(!inherits(type, "character")) out("Argument 'type' must be of type 'character'.", type = 3)
  if(!any(c("gradient", "discrete") %in% type)) out("Argument 'type' must either be 'gradient' or 'discrete'.", type = 3)
  if(!inherits(colours, "character")) out("Argument 'colours' must be of type 'character'.", type = 3)
  if(all(type == "discrete", !inherits(labels, "waiver"))){
    if(!inherits(labels, "character")) out("Argument 'labels' must be of type 'character'.", type = 3)
    if(length(labels) != length(colours)) out("Arguments 'colours' and 'labels' must have equal lengths.", type = 3)
  if(!inherits(na.colour, "character")) out("Argument 'na.colour' must be of type 'character'.", type = 3)
  if(type == "gradient"){
    if(!is.null(names(colours))) limits <- range(as.numeric(names(colours))) else limits <- NULL
  if(type == "discrete"){
    if(!is.null(names(colours))) limits <- names(colours) else limits <- NULL
    if(!inherits(na.show, "logical")) out("Argument 'na.show' must be of type 'logical'.", type = 3)
  if(type == "gradient") gg.scale <- expr(scale_fill_gradientn(name = legend_title, colours = colours, limits = limits, na.value = na.colour))
  if(type == "discrete") gg.scale <- expr(scale_fill_manual(name = legend_title, values = colours, labels = labels, limits = limits, na.translate = na.show, na.value = na.colour))
  add_gg(frames, gg.scale, colours = colours, legend_title = legend_title, limits = limits, na.colour = na.colour, na.show = na.show)

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moveVis documentation built on March 31, 2020, 5:08 p.m.