moraldilemma: Moral Dilemma Judgment

moraldilemmaR Documentation

Moral Dilemma Judgment


Hennig and Huetter (2020) proposed a multinomial model of moral dilemma judgment and evaluated the model in a series of experiments. Participants were presented with hypothetical scenarios that required a decision whether or not to break a moral norm.

Berentelg (2020) conducted a replication study that was designed to be similar to Experiment 2b in Hennig and Huetter (2020).




MDHennig2020 A data frame consisting of seven variables:


factor. Instructions about self-relevant consequences of the decision where either (absent) or (present).


factor. Endorsement of consequences and norm endorsement lead to different decisions (incongruent) or to the same decision (congruent).


factor. The norm may be adhered to by continuing (inaction default state) or by changing (action default state) an ongoing behavior.


factor. Decision to break the norm.

exp1, exp2b

the aggregate response frequencies for Experiment 1 and 2b, respectively.


an identifier for the single trees of the joint multinomial model.

MDreplication A data frame containing 751 observations of five variables:


factor. See above.


factor. Participant gender.


participant age.


median response time (in seconds) across scenarios.


a matrix of response frequencies per participant. Each column represents a combination of the factors congrcy, default, and breaknorm.


Hennig, M., & Huetter, M. (2020). Revisiting the divide between deontology and utilitarianism in moral dilemma judgment: A multinomial modeling approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118(1), 22–56. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1037/pspa0000173")}

Berentelg, M. (2020). Multinomial modeling of moral dilemma judgment: A replication study. Bachelor thesis. University of Tuebingen, Germany.

See Also




## Exp. 1: proCNI and process dissociation (PD) model
s <- mptspec("proCNI")
exp1 <- subset(MDHennig2020, selfrel == "absent")
mpt(update(s, .restr = list(J=I)),      data = exp1, freqvar = "exp1")
mpt(update(s, .restr = list(I=0, J=1)), data = exp1, freqvar = "exp1")

## Exp. 2b: self-relevant consequences and norm endorsement
s <- mptspec("proCNI", .replicates = 2, .restr = list(J1=I1, J2=I2))
m1 <- mpt(s, data = MDHennig2020, freqvar = "exp2b")
m2 <- mpt(update(m1$spec, .restr = list(N1=N2)), data = m1$y)
anova(m2, m1)

## Replication of Exp. 2b
md.agg <- aggregate(y ~ selfrel, MDreplication, sum)
y <- as.vector(t(md.agg[, -1]))

m3 <- mpt(s, data = y)
m4 <- mpt(update(s, .restr = list(N1=N2)), data = y)
anova(m4, m3)

coefs <- c(diff(coef(m3)[c("N2", "N1")]),
           diff(coef(m1)[c("N2", "N1")]))
names(coefs) <- c("Replication", "Hennig & Huetter\n(2020, Exp. 2b)")
ci <- coefs + rbind(
  qnorm(c(.025, .975))*sqrt(sum(diag(vcov(m3))[c("N2", "N1")])),
  qnorm(c(.025, .975))*sqrt(sum(diag(vcov(m1))[c("N2", "N1")]))
dotchart(coefs, pch = 16, xlim = c(-.2, 1),
  xlab = expression(N[absent] - N[present]~"(proCNI model, 95% CI)"),
  main = paste("Self-relevant consequences and norm endorsement",
               "in moral dilemma judgment", sep = "\n"))
abline(v = 0, col = "gray")
arrows(ci[, 1], 1:2, ci[, 2], 1:2, .05, 90, 3)

mpt documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 5:07 p.m.