
Defines functions io.glm

Documented in io.glm

#' Iterative offset GLM/GAM for fitting detection function
#' Provides an iterative algorithm for finding the MLEs of detection (capture)
#' probabilities for a two-occasion (double observer) mark-recapture experiment
#' using standard algorithms GLM/GAM and an offset to compensate for
#' conditioning on the set of observations.  While the likelihood can be
#' formulated and solved numerically, the use of GLM/GAM provides all of the
#' available tools for fitting, predictions, plotting etc without any further
#' development.
#' Note that currently the code in this function for GAMs has been commented
#' out until the remainder of the mrds package will work with GAMs.  This is an
#' internal function that is used as by \code{ddf.io.fi} to fit mark-recapture
#' models with 2 occasions.  The argument \code{mrmodel} is used for
#' \code{fitformula}.
#' @import mgcv
#' @param datavec dataframe
#' @param fitformula logit link formula
#' @param eps convergence criterion
#' @param iterlimit maximum number of iterations allowed
#' @param GAM uses GAM instead of GLM for fitting
#' @param gamplot set to TRUE to get a gam plot object if \code{GAM=TRUE}
#' @return list of class("ioglm","glm","lm") or class("ioglm","gam")
#'   \item{glmobj}{GLM or GAM object} \item{offsetvalue}{offsetvalues from
#'   iterative fit} \item{plotobj}{gam plot object (if GAM & gamplot==TRUE,
#'   else NULL)}
#' @author Jeff Laake, David Borchers, Charles Paxton
#' @references Buckland, S.T., J.M. breiwick, K.L. Cattanach, and J.L. Laake.
#'   1993. Estimated population size of the California gray whale.  Marine
#'   Mammal Science, 9:235-249.
#' Burnham, K.P., S.T. Buckland, J.L. Laake, D.L. Borchers, T.A. Marques,
#'   J.R.B. Bishop, and L. Thomas. 2004.  Further topics in distance sampling.
#'   pp: 360-363. In: Advanced Distance Sampling, eds. S.T. Buckland,
#'   D.R.Anderson, K.P. Burnham, J.L. Laake, D.L. Borchers, and L. Thomas.
#'   Oxford University Press.
#' @keywords Statistical Models
#' @importFrom stats glm plogis binomial
io.glm <- function(datavec, fitformula, eps = 0.00001, iterlimit = 500,
                   GAM = FALSE, gamplot = TRUE){

#  This is the code that uses the iterative offset glm or gam
#  approach; iteration is done until parameters are within a
#  certain epsilon (eps) or iteration limit (iterlimit) exceeded.
#  Note: David used offset in formula and I've put it as an
#  argument to glm and gam functions.
# Input : datavec = dataframe
#         fitformula = formula
#         eps = convergence criterion - fixed
#         iterlimit = maximum number of iterations allowed - fixed
#     gamplot = TRUE if want a gam plot object
# Output: list with
#       Note: modified to return glm object only with 
#               class("ioglm","glm","lm")
#               class("ioglm","gam")
# $glmobj:  glm model
# $offsetvalue: final offsetvalues from iterative fit
# $plotobj: gam plot object (if GAM & gamplot==TRUE, else NULL)

  done <- FALSE
  i <- 1
  plotobj <- NULL
  while(i <= iterlimit & !done) {
    # fit the glm or gam
    if(GAM) {
      ioglm <- mgcv::gam(formula=fitformula, family=binomial, data=datavec)
      ioglm <- glm(formula=fitformula, family=binomial, data=datavec)

    coeff <- ioglm$coeff
    fittedp <- ioglm$fitted.values

    if(i == 1) {
      oldmodel <- ioglm
      oldcoeff <- coeff
      oldp <- fittedp
      # calculate differences between previous and present set of model outputs
      reldiff <- max(abs(plogis(coeff) - plogis(oldcoeff))/plogis(oldcoeff))

      if(is.na(reldiff)) {
        print("Can't calculate regression coefficients - model has not converged")
        print(" - last fit used for estimation" )
        ioglm <- oldmodel
        done <- TRUE

      if(reldiff < eps & !done) {
        done <- TRUE
        oldmodel <- ioglm
        oldcoeff <- coeff
        oldp <- fittedp
      oldoff <- datavec$offsetvalue
#     if(GAM)
        off <-  - log(plogis(predict(ioglm) - datavec$offsetvalue))
#       off <-  - log(plogis(ioglm$
#         additive.predictors - datavec$
#         offsetvalue))
#     else off <-  - log(plogis(ioglm$
#         linear.predictors - datavec$
#         offsetvalue))
      datavec$offsetvalue[datavec$observer == 1] <- off[
        datavec$observer == 2]
      datavec$offsetvalue[datavec$observer == 2] <- off[
        datavec$observer == 1]
    i <- i + 1
# if(GAM & gamplot) {
#   assign("fitformula", fitformula, frame = 1)
#   plotobj <- plot.gam(ioglm, se = T)
#   assign("fitformula", NULL, frame = 1)
# }

    datavec$offsetvalue <- oldoff
    warning("Iteration limit exceeded - last fit used for estimation")

# list(glm = ioglm, offsetvalue = datavec$offsetvalue, plotobj = 
#   plotobj)
  if(GAM) ioglm$offset <- off

  class(ioglm) <- c("ioglm", class(ioglm))


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mrds documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:56 a.m.