
Defines functions get_edf_cdf qqplot.ddf

Documented in qqplot.ddf

#' Quantile-quantile plot and goodness of fit tests for detection functions
#' Constructs a quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot for fitted model as a graphical
#' check of goodness of fit. Formal goodness of fit testing for detection
#' function models using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramer-von Mises tests. Both
#' tests are based on looking at the quantile-quantile plot produced by
#' \code{\link{qqplot.ddf}} and deviations from the line x=y.
#' The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test asks the question "what's the largest vertical
#' distance between a point and the y=x line?" It uses this distance as a
#' statistic to test the null hypothesis that the samples (EDF and CDF in our
#' case) are from the same distribution (and hence our model fits well). If the
#' deviation between the y=x line and the points is too large we reject the
#' null hypothesis and say the model doesn't have a good fit.
#' Rather than looking at the single biggest difference between the y=x line
#' and the points in the Q-Q plot, we might prefer to think about all the
#' differences between line and points, since there may be many smaller
#' differences that we want to take into account rather than looking for one
#' large deviation. Its null hypothesis is the same, but the statistic it uses
#' is the sum of the deviations from each of the point to the line.
#' @section Details:

#' Note that a bootstrap procedure is required to ensure that the p-values from
#' the procedure are correct as the we are comparing the cumulative
#' distribution function (CDF) and empirical distribution function (EDF) and we
#' have estimated the parameters of the detection function.

#' @param model fitted distance detection function model object
#' @param plot the Q-Q plot be plotted or just report statistics?
#' @param nboot number of replicates to use to calculate p-values for the
#' goodness of fit test statistics
#' @param ks perform the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (this involves many bootstraps
#' so can take a while)
#' @param \dots additional arguments passed to \code{\link{plot}}
#' @export
#' @return A list of goodness of fit related values: \item{edf}{matrix of lower
#'   and upper empirical distribution function values} \item{cdf}{fitted
#'   cumulative distribution function values} \item{ks}{list with K-S statistic
#'   (\code{Dn}) and p-value (\code{p})} \item{CvM}{list with CvM statistic
#'   (\code{W}) and p-value (\code{p})}
#' @author Jeff Laake, David L Miller
#' @seealso \code{\link{ddf.gof}}, \code{\link{cdf.ds}}
#' @references Burnham, K.P., S.T. Buckland, J.L. Laake, D.L. Borchers, T.A.
#'   Marques, J.R.B. Bishop, and L. Thomas. 2004.  Further topics in distance
#'   sampling. pp: 385-389. In: Advanced Distance Sampling, eds. S.T. Buckland,
#'   D.R.Anderson, K.P. Burnham, J.L. Laake, D.L. Borchers, and L. Thomas.
#'   Oxford University Press.
#' @keywords utility
#' @importFrom graphics abline
qqplot.ddf <- function(model, plot=TRUE, nboot=100, ks=FALSE, ...){

  # get the edf/cdf values
  edf_cdf <- get_edf_cdf(model)

    plot(edf_cdf$upper.edf, edf_cdf$cdfvalues,
         xlab="Empirical cdf", ylab="Fitted cdf",
         xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), asp=1, ...)
    abline(0, 1, ...)

  # don't do KS if the model is not "ds"
  if(!inherits(model, "ds") & ks){
    warning("Can't calculate Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value for non-\"ds\" models, only calculating Cramer-von Mises")
    ks <- FALSE

  # do the tests
  gof_p <- gof.pvalues(model, ks=ks, nboot=nboot)

  # build return object
  return(list(edf=cbind(edf_cdf$lower.edf, edf_cdf$upper.edf),
              ks=list(Dn=gof_p$Dn, p=gof_p$ks),
              CvM=list(W=gof_p$W, p=gof_p$cramer),
              nboot =  attr(gof_p, "nboot"),
              boot_success = attr(gof_p, "boot_success")

get_edf_cdf <- function(model){
  fun <- function(x, z, lt){

  if(inherits(model, "ds")){
    cdfvalues <- sort(cdf.ds(model)$fitted)
  }else if(inherits(model, "io") |
           inherits(model, "trial") |
           inherits(model, "rem") ){
    cdfvalues <- sort(cdf.ds(model$ds)$fitted)
  }else if(inherits(model, "io.fi")){
    data <- model$data
    data <- data[data$object %in% as.numeric(names(model$fitted)), ]
    n <- length(data$distance)/2
    cdfvalues <- rep(0, n)
    for(i in 1:n){
      newdata <- data[data$object %in% as.numeric(names(model$fitted))[i], ]
      cdfvalues[i] <- predict.io.fi(model, newdata=newdata, integrate=TRUE,
        widthvalue <- predict.io.fi(model, newdata=newdata, integrate=TRUE,
        cdfvalues[i] <- cdfvalues[i]/widthvalue
      cdfvalues <- cdfvalues/predict.io.fi(model, integrate=TRUE)$fitted
    cdfvalues <- sort(cdfvalues)
  }else if(inherits(model, "trial.fi")){
    data <- model$data
    data <- data[data$observer==1&data$object %in%
                   as.numeric(names(model$fitted)), ]
    n <- length(data$distance)
    cdfvalues <- rep(0, n)
    for(i in 1:n){
      newdata <- data[data$object %in% as.numeric(names(model$fitted))[i], ]
      cdfvalues[i] <- predict.trial.fi(model, newdata=newdata, integrate=TRUE,

      if(model$meta.data$left != 0){
        widthvalue <- predict.trial.fi(model, newdata=newdata, integrate=TRUE,
        cdfvalues[i] <- cdfvalues[i]/widthvalue
      cdfvalues <- cdfvalues/predict.trial.fi(model, newdata=data,
    cdfvalues <- sort(cdfvalues)
  }else if(inherits(model, "rem.fi")){
    data <- model$data
    data <- data[data$object %in% as.numeric(names(model$fitted)),]
    n <- length(data$distance)/2
    cdfvalues <- rep(0, n)
    for(i in 1:n){
      newdata <- data[data$object %in% as.numeric(names(model$fitted))[i], ]
      cdfvalues[i] <- predict.rem.fi(model, newdata=newdata, integrate=TRUE,

        widthvalue <- predict.rem.fi(model, newdata=newdata, integrate=TRUE,
        cdfvalues[i] <- cdfvalues[i]/widthvalue
      cdfvalues <- cdfvalues/predict.rem.fi(model, newdata=data,
    cdfvalues <- sort(cdfvalues)

  n <- length(cdfvalues)
  lower.edf <- (unlist(sapply(cdfvalues, fun, z=cdfvalues, lt=TRUE)))/n
  upper.edf <- (unlist(sapply(cdfvalues, fun, z=cdfvalues, lt=FALSE)))/n

  return(list(lower.edf = lower.edf,
              upper.edf = upper.edf,
              cdfvalues = cdfvalues,
              n         = n))


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