
Defines functions rtriangle

# Program:   rtriangle.R
# Purpose:   To draw from the triangle distribution
# Author:    Rob Carnell
# Date:      June 06
# Variables
#   used the same naming conventions as other R distributions (q,p,d)
#   n = number of values to return
#   a = left triangle endpoint,
#   b = right triangle endpoint
#   c = distribution mode
#   First, exclude situations which are impossible with the function definition
#   Next, define the value of the function on the various intervals
# Changes:
# 10/20/06 changed the i,j logic based on a bug report from
#          Michael.Scroggie@dse.vic.gov.au, Thursday 10/19/06

rtriangle <- function(n=1, a=0, b=1, c=(a+b)/2){
  if(length(n)>1) n <- length(n)
  if(n<1 | is.na(n)) stop(paste("invalid argument: n =", n))
  n <- floor(n)
  if(any(is.na(c(a,b,c)))) return(rep(NaN, times=n)) #to match behavior of runif
  if(a > c | b < c) return(rep(NaN, times=n)) # to match behavior of runif
  if(any(is.infinite(c(a,b,c)))) return(rep(NaN, times=n))

  p <- runif(n)

  if(a != c){
    # if a = c then i is always true
    i <- which((a + sqrt(p * (b - a)*(c - a))) <= c)
    j <- which((b - sqrt((1 - p) * (b - a) * (b - c))) > c)
  } else {
    i <- which((a + sqrt(p * (b - a)*(c - a))) < c)
    j <- which((b - sqrt((1 - p) * (b - a) * (b - c))) >= c)
    p[i] <- a + sqrt(p[i] * (b - a) * (c - a))
    p[j] <- b - sqrt((1 - p[j]) * (b - a) * (b - c))


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