
Defines functions .col.red .col.blue .col.orange .col.coef.path .dotplot .scree .parcor plot.msaenet

Documented in plot.msaenet

#' Plot msaenet Model Objects
#' Plot msaenet model objects.
#' @param x An object of class \code{msaenet} produced
#' by \code{\link{aenet}}, \code{amnet}, \code{asnet},
#' \code{\link{msaenet}}, \code{\link{msamnet}}, or \code{\link{msasnet}}.
#' @param type Plot type, \code{"coef"} for a coefficient path plot
#' across all estimation steps; \code{"criterion"} for a scree plot of
#' the model evaluation criterion used (CV error, AIC, BIC, or EBIC);
#' \code{"dotplot"} for a Cleveland dot plot of the coefficients
#' estimated by the model at the optimal step.
#' @param nsteps Maximum number of estimation steps to plot.
#' Default is to plot all steps.
#' @param highlight Should we highlight the "optimal" step
#' according to the criterion? Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param col Color palette to use for the coefficient paths.
#' If it is \code{NULL}, a default color palette will be assigned.
#' @param label Should we label all the non-zero variables of the
#' optimal step in the coefficient plot or the dot plot?
#' Default is \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE} and \code{label.vars = NULL},
#' the index of the non-zero variables will be used as labels.
#' @param label.vars Labels to use for all the variables
#' if \code{label = "TRUE"}.
#' @param label.pos Position of the labels. See argument
#' \code{pos} in \code{\link[graphics]{text}} for details.
#' @param label.offset Offset of the labels. See argument
#' \code{offset} in \code{\link[graphics]{text}} for details.
#' @param label.cex Character expansion factor of the labels.
#' See argument \code{cex} in \code{\link[graphics]{text}} for details.
#' @param label.srt Label rotation in degrees for the Cleveland dot plot.
#' Default is \code{90}. See argument \code{srt} in
#' \code{\link[graphics]{par}} for details.
#' @param xlab Title for x axis. If is \code{NULL}, will use the default title.
#' @param ylab Title for y axis. If is \code{NULL}, will use the default title.
#' @param abs Should we plot the absolute values of the coefficients
#' instead of the raw coefficients in the Cleveland dot plot?
#' Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... Other parameters (not used).
#' @method plot msaenet
#' @author Nan Xiao <\url{https://nanx.me}>
#' @importFrom graphics axis lines matlines matplot plot text abline points
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' dat <- msaenet.sim.gaussian(
#'   n = 150, p = 500, rho = 0.6,
#'   coef = rep(1, 5), snr = 2, p.train = 0.7,
#'   seed = 1001
#' )
#' fit <- msaenet(
#'   dat$x.tr, dat$y.tr,
#'   alphas = seq(0.2, 0.8, 0.2),
#'   nsteps = 5L, tune.nsteps = "bic",
#'   seed = 1002
#' )
#' plot(fit)
#' plot(fit, label = TRUE)
#' plot(fit, label = TRUE, nsteps = 5)
#' plot(fit, type = "criterion")
#' plot(fit, type = "criterion", nsteps = 5)
#' plot(fit, type = "dotplot", label = TRUE)
#' plot(fit, type = "dotplot", label = TRUE, abs = TRUE)
#' }
plot.msaenet <- function(
    x, type = c("coef", "criterion", "dotplot"), nsteps = NULL,
    highlight = TRUE, col = NULL,
    label = FALSE, label.vars = NULL,
    label.pos = 2, label.offset = 0.3, label.cex = 0.7,
    label.srt = 90,
    xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
    abs = FALSE, ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)

  if (!.is.msaenet(x)) stop(message.object.type, call. = FALSE)

  if (.is.multistep(x)) {
    beta.mat <- do.call(cbind, x$"beta.list")
    best.step <- x$"best.step"

  if (.is.adaptive(x)) {
    beta.mat <- as.matrix(cbind(x$"beta.first", x$"beta"))
    best.step <- 2L

  if (is.null(nsteps)) {
    nsteps <- ncol(beta.mat)

  if (type == "coef") {
    nzv.idx <- msaenet.nzv(x)
      beta.mat, nsteps, best.step, nzv.idx,
      highlight, col,
      label, label.vars,
      label.pos, label.offset, label.cex,
      xlab, ylab

  if (type == "criterion") {
    if (is.null(x$"post.criterion")) {
          'No post selection ICs available, since `tune.nsteps = "max"` ',
          "or it is a one-step-only adaptive model object."
        call. = FALSE
    } else {
        nsteps, best.step, highlight,
        xlab, ylab

  if (type == "dotplot") {
      x, abs,
      label, label.vars, label.cex, label.srt,
      xlab, ylab


# Parallel coordinates plot
.parcor <- function(
    x, nsteps, best.step, nzv.idx,
    highlight, col,
    label, label.vars,
    label.pos, label.offset, label.cex,
    xlab, ylab) {
  x <- x[, 1L:nsteps]
  xmin <- min(x)
  xmax <- max(x)

  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Number of Estimation Steps"
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Coefficients"

  # Box
  matplot(1L:nsteps, t(x),
    xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
    xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", type = "n", axes = TRUE

  # Axes with only ticks
  axis(2, at = c(xmin, 0, xmax), labels = c("Min", "0", "Max"), lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1)
  axis(1, at = 1L:nsteps, labels = as.character(1L:nsteps), lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1)

  # Step lines
  for (i in 1L:nsteps) {
    lines(x = c(i, i), y = c(xmin - 42, xmax + 42), lty = 3, col = "grey70")

  # Highlight optimal step
  if (highlight) {
      x = c(best.step, best.step), y = c(xmin - 42, xmax + 42),
      col = "#FFFFFF", lty = 1, lwd = 1.5
      x = c(best.step, best.step), y = c(xmin - 42, xmax + 42),
      col = .col.red(), lty = 2, lwd = 1.5

  # Coefficient paths
  if (is.null(col)) col <- .col.coef.path()
  matlines(1L:nsteps, t(x), lty = 1, lwd = 1.2, col = col)

  # Zero line
  lines(x = c(0L, nsteps + 1L), y = c(0, 0), lwd = 1.2)

  # Label variables
  if (label && is.null(label.vars)) {
      x = best.step, y = x[nzv.idx, best.step],
      labels = as.character(nzv.idx),
      pos = label.pos, offset = label.offset, cex = label.cex

  if (label && !is.null(label.vars)) {
    if (length(label.vars) != nrow(x)) {
      stop("Length of `label.vars` should be the same as the number of variables.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        x = best.step, y = x[nzv.idx, best.step],
        labels = label.vars[nzv.idx],
        pos = label.pos, offset = label.offset, cex = label.cex


.scree <- function(x, nsteps, best.step, highlight, xlab, ylab) {
  x <- x[1L:nsteps]

  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Number of Estimation Steps"
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Model Selection Criterion"

  plot(seq_along(x), x, type = "b", xaxt = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)

    at = 1L:nsteps, labels = as.character(1L:nsteps),
    lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1

  if (highlight) {
      x = c(best.step, best.step),
      y = c(min(x) - 0.5, max(x) + 0.5),
      col = .col.red(), lty = 2, lwd = 1.5

# Cleveland dot plot for model coefficients at the optimal step
.dotplot <- function(
    x, abs, label, label.vars, label.cex, label.srt, xlab, ylab) {
  idx.nzv <- msaenet.nzv(x)

  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Selected Variables"
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Coefficients"

  if (label && is.null(label.vars)) {
    label.nzv <- as.character(idx.nzv)
  } else if (label && !is.null(label.vars)) {
    label.nzv <- label.vars[idx.nzv]
  } else {
    label.nzv <- rep("", length(idx.nzv))

  coef.nzv <- coef(x)[idx.nzv]
  if (abs) coef.nzv <- abs(coef.nzv)

  ord.nzv <- order(coef.nzv, decreasing = TRUE)

  if (all(coef.nzv > 0)) {
      type = "h", xaxt = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
      ylim = c(-0.3, max(coef.nzv) + 0.05)
  } else if (all(coef.nzv < 0)) {
      type = "h", xaxt = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
      ylim = c(min(coef.nzv) - 0.05, 0.3)
  } else {
    plot(coef.nzv[ord.nzv], type = "h", xaxt = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)

  abline(a = 0, b = 0)

  col.vec <- ifelse(coef.nzv > 0, .col.orange(), .col.blue())
    seq_along(coef.nzv), coef.nzv[ord.nzv],
    pch = 21,
    bg = col.vec[ord.nzv], col = col.vec[ord.nzv]

  idx.pos <- which(coef.nzv[ord.nzv] > 0)
  idx.neg <- which(coef.nzv[ord.nzv] <= 0)

  if (length(idx.pos) > 0L) {
      idx.pos, -0.05,
      labels = label.nzv[ord.nzv][idx.pos],
      srt = label.srt, cex = label.cex, adj = 1

  if (length(idx.neg) > 0L) {
      idx.neg, 0.05,
      labels = label.nzv[ord.nzv][idx.neg],
      srt = label.srt, cex = label.cex, adj = 0

.col.coef.path <- function() {
    "#4e79a7", "#f28e2c", "#e15759", "#76b7b2", "#59a14f",
    "#edc949", "#af7aa1", "#ff9da7", "#9c755f", "#bab0ab"

.col.orange <- function() "#f28e2c"
.col.blue <- function() "#4e79a7"
.col.red <- function() "#e15759"

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msaenet documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:08 a.m.