
Defines functions pick

Documented in pick

pick <- function(data, k=NULL, cutoff=NULL, byItem=FALSE){
  x <- data
  xnames <- dimnames(data)[[2]]
  if (is.null(xnames)) xnames <- paste("Item",1:ncol(data))
  if (is.null(byItem)) byItem <- FALSE
  isfactor <- sapply(x,is.factor)
    fac_itm <- which(isfactor)
    dd <- x[fac_itm]
    xx <- sapply(dd, function(x){as.numeric(as.character(x))})
    # The following deals with the case that the columns are ordered categorical, but not in numerical-like values
    x[fac_itm] <- xx
  dims <- dim(x)
  K <- ifelse(byItem,dims[2],dims[1])
  k1 <- is.null(k)
  c1 <- is.null(cutoff)
  kc <- k1 +c1
  if (kc==0) stop("The arguments k and cutoff cannot be used simultaneously. Only one of them can be different than NULL.")
  if (kc==2){
    x <- apply(x,byItem+1,function(col) ifelse(col >= mean(col,na.rm = T),1,0))
    if (!byItem) x <- t(x)
  if (kc==1 & c1){
    x <- apply(x,byItem+1,function(col){
        or <- order(jitter(as.numeric(col)),decreasing = TRUE)
        col[or][1:k] <- rep(1,k)
        col[or][(k+1):length(or)] <- rep(0,length(col)-k)
        or <- order(as.numeric(col),decreasing = TRUE)
        col[or][1:k] <- rep(1,k)
        col[or][(k+1):length(or)] <- rep(0,length(col)-k)
    if (!byItem) x <- t(x)
  if (kc==1 & k1){
    ll <- length(cutoff)
    ll1 <- ll==1
    ll2 <- ll==K
    ll3 <- sum(ll1+ll2)
      x <- apply(x,byItem+1, function(col) ifelse(col >= cutoff,1,0))
      if (!byItem) x <- t(x)
      if (byItem){
        x <- sapply(1:K, function(col) ifelse(x[,col] < cutoff[col],0,1))
        dimnames(x)[[2]] <- xnames
        x <- sapply(1:K, function(col) ifelse(x[col,] < cutoff[col],0,1))
        x <- t(x)
        dimnames(x)[[2]] <- xnames
    if(ll3==0) stop("length(cutoff) must be equal to 1 or to the number of rows/columns of x")
  if (any(apply(x,2,function(x) length(unique(x))==1))) warning("there exist items with no variance after applying pick()")

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mudfold documentation built on Nov. 24, 2022, 5:09 p.m.