SUD: A general step-up-down procedure.

View source: R/SUD.R

SUDR Documentation

A general step-up-down procedure.


A general step-up-down procedure.


SUD(pValues, criticalValues, startIDX_SUD)



pValues to be used.


criticalValues for the step-up-down procedure


the index (between 1 and length(pValues)) used for the first comparison of pValues[startIDX_SUD] and criticalValues[startIDX_SUD]. Depending on the result of this comparison the algorithm decides to proceed in step-up or step-down manner.


Suppose we have n pValues and they are already sorted. The procedure compares pValues[startIDX_SUD] with criticalValues[startIDX_SUD] and then proceeds in step-up or step-down manner, depending on the result of this initial comparision.

If pValues[startIDX_SUD] <= criticalValues[startIDX_SUD], then the procedure rejects the hypotheses associated with pValues[1], ..., pValues[startIDX_SUD] and carries on in a step-down manner from startIDX_SUD to n to reject additional hypotheses.

If pValues[startIDX_SUD] > criticalValues[startIDX_SUD], then the procedure retains hypotheses associated with pValues[startIDX_SUD], ..., pValues[n] and carries on in a step-up manner with pValues[startIDX_SUD - 1], ..., pValues[1].

If startIDX_SUD equals n the algorithm behaves like a step-up procedure.

If startIDX_SUD equals 1 the algorithm behaves like a step-down procedure.


rejected logical vector indicating if hypotheses are rejected or retained.


MuToss-Coding Team

mutoss documentation built on March 31, 2023, 8:46 p.m.