phyllostomid: Phylogeny and trait data for a sample of Phyllostomid bats

phyllostomidR Documentation

Phylogeny and trait data for a sample of Phyllostomid bats


Phylogeny, diet, and morphological variables for 49 species of Phyllostomid bats.




Illustrative phylogeny (phyllostomid$tree) and morphological data (phyllostomid$mandible - 73 variables composed of the superimposed procrustes 2D-coordinates for the mandible and the condylobasal length) of 49 species of Phyllostomid bats from Monteiro & Nogueira (2011). The firsts 22 coordinates represent anatomical landmarks and the last 50 coordinates are semilandmarks.

The four grouping factor variables (e.g., phyllostomid$grp1, phyllostomid$grp2, ...) are the adaptive regime models for association between mandible morphology and diet considered in Monteiro & Nogueira (2011).


Monteiro L.R., Nogueira M.R. 2011. Evolutionary patterns and processes in the radiation of phyllostomid bats. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 11:1-23.

Clavel, J., Morlon, H. 2020. Reliable phylogenetic regressions for multivariate comparative data: illustration with the MANOVA and application to the effect of diet on mandible morphology in phyllostomid bats. Systematic Biology 69(5): 927-943.



# Fit a linear model by PL
fit1 <- mvgls(mandible~grp1, data=phyllostomid, phyllostomid$tree, model="lambda", method="LOO") 

# regularized MANOVA test
(manova.gls(fit1, test="Wilks", verbose=TRUE))

mvMORPH documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:22 p.m.