
## ----setup, include = FALSE----------------------------------------------
  # collapse = FALSE,
  # comment = "#>"
  results = "hold"

## ----load, echo=T, results = F, warning=F--------------------------------
# load libraries
# note that attaching mwshiny also attaches Shiny
library(mwshiny) # our multiwindow app
library(ggplot2) # cool visualizations
library(datasets) # contains the iris dataset

## ----iris data-----------------------------------------------------------
data(iris) # load iris data
summary(iris) # just to get a look at what we're dealing with here

## ----ui------------------------------------------------------------------
# named list of ui pages that are the contain the title and content of each of my windows
ui_win <- list()

# first we add what we want to see in the controller to the list
ui_win[["Controller"]] <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Iris Dataset Explorer: Controller"),
      # choose what goes on the x axis
      selectInput(inputId = "x_axis",
                  label = "What would you like to see on the x axis?",
                  choices = colnames(iris)[colnames(iris)!="Species"]),
      # choose what goes on the y axis
      selectInput(inputId = "y_axis",
                  label = "What would you like to see on the y axis?",
                  choices = colnames(iris)[colnames(iris)!="Species"]),
      # choose which groups you want to see
      checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "spec",
                         label = "Which species would you like to see?",
                         choices = as.character(unique(iris$Species)),
                         selected = as.character(unique(iris$Species))),
      # only build the scatter plot when this is clicked
      actionButton(inputId = "go",
                   label = "Build!")
    # just an empty main panel

# then we add what we want to see in the scatter section
ui_win[["Scatter"]] <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Iris Dataset Explorer: Scatter"),
  plotOutput(outputId = "iris_scatter")

## ----serv_calc-----------------------------------------------------------
# setting up the list of calculations I want to do
serv_calc <- list()

# I only want to build a scatterplot when I click my build button, so my list will be of length 1
serv_calc[[1]] <- function(calc, sess){
  # this is going to activate any time I press "build!"
  observeEvent(calc$go, {
    # create our data frame for visualizing
    sub.df <- data.frame("x" = iris[iris$Species %in% calc$spec,calc$x_axis],
                         "y" = iris[iris$Species %in% calc$spec,calc$y_axis],
                         "species"=iris[iris$Species %in% calc$spec,"Species"])
    # add this to calc, since we want to use this in our rendering
    calc[["sub.df"]] <- sub.df

## ----serv_out------------------------------------------------------------
# set up our serv_out list
serv_out <- list()

# we're just rendering our scatter plot based on the iris dataset
# note the name is the same as the outputid
serv_out[["iris_scatter"]] <- function(calc, sess){
    # we add this check to make sure our plot doesn't try to render before we've ever pressed "Build!"
    if (!is.null(calc$sub.df)){
      # build scatterplot
      ggplot(calc$sub.df, aes(x, y, color = factor(species)))+
        geom_point()+ # make scatter
        ggtitle("Iris Comparisons")+ # add title
        xlab(calc$x_axis)+ # change x axis label
        ylab(calc$y_axis)+ # change y axis label
        labs(color="species")+ # change legend label

## ----mwsapp, eval=F------------------------------------------------------
#  #run!
#  mwsApp(ui_win, serv_calc, serv_out)

## ---- out.width="400px", fig.align='center', echo=F----------------------

## ---- out.width="325px","hold",echo=F--------------------------
knitr::include_graphics(c("figures/controller_init.png", "figures/scatter_init.png"))

## ---- out.width="325px","hold", echo=F-------------------------
knitr::include_graphics(c("figures/controller_edit.png", "figures/scatter_edit.png"))

Try the mwshiny package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

mwshiny documentation built on July 8, 2020, 7:04 p.m.