Man pages for nat.templatebrains
NeuroAnatomy Toolbox ('nat') Extension for Handling Template Brains

add_reg_foldersSet or list local folders containing registrations for...
add_reglistAdd reglist object describing a bridging/mirroring...
allreg_dataframeMake data.frame with details of all registrations
as.templatebrainUse image file or other object to initialise template brain
bridging_sequenceFind sequence of one or more bridging registrations
display_sliceDisplay an image slice in 3D
download_reg_repoDownload and register git repository containing registrations
FCWB.demoSample template brain: FlyCircuit Whole Brain
fit_xformFit affine or thin plate spline transform to arbitrary...
fit_xform_brainFit a single transform to a bridging registration between...
guess_templatebrainFind all template brains or those matching a given image...
local_reg_dir_for_urlStandard local checkout location for extra registration...
mirror_brainMirror 3D object around a given axis, optionally using a...
nat.templatebrains-packageNeuroAnatomy Toolbox add-on package for handling template...
plot3d.templatebrainPlot 3D surface of a template brain
regtemplateGet or set the registration template space in which an object...
shortest_bridging_seqMake or query connected graph of bridging registrations
templatebrainConstruct templatebrain object for an image registration...
templatebrain-methsTemplate brain methods
update_reg_reposUpdate local copy of git repository containing registrations
xform_brainTransform 3D object between template brains
nat.templatebrains documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:18 p.m.