as.templatebrain: Use image file or other object to initialise template brain

View source: R/templatebrain.R

as.templatebrainR Documentation

Use image file or other object to initialise template brain


Use image file or other object to initialise template brain


as.templatebrain(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'character'
as.templatebrain(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'im3d'
as.templatebrain(x, regName = NULL, name = regName, ...)

## S3 method for class 'templatebrain'
as.templatebrain(x, ...)



object used to construct the templatebrain, either a character vector with the path to a file or an im3d object.


additional named arguments passed to methods and then on to templatebrain that will be added as fields to the templatebrain object.

name, regName

name and short name of the template brain. Will use the filename (minus final extension) by default for both fields.


as.templatebrain can extract the key fields defining an template space from an image file. This is generally a much more convenient approach to defining a templatebrain object than specifying all fields by hand.


A list with class templatebrain

See Also

templatebrain, im3d


# Make templatebrain object using image info from the template brain NRRD file
nhdr=system.file('images','FCWB.nhdr', package='nat.templatebrains')
as.templatebrain(nhdr, name = "FlyCircuit Whole Brain")

nat.templatebrains documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:18 p.m.