
Defines functions set_chronology

Documented in set_chronology

#' @title set chronology information for a new record.
#' @description Create a new chronology for a record.
#' Within Neotoma all chronologies have unique numeric
#' identifiers. Within R, because of the need to use the 
#' identifiers across objects, and because we want to avoid
#'  conflicts between naming systems, a universally unique 
#' identifier (UUID) is created for the object ID.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom uuid UUIDgenerate
#' @importFrom methods slot<-
#' @param x Object to be set as a chronology
#' @param chronologyid An optional value. Will be assigned a
#' unique identifier if not provided.
#' @param contact A contacts object, identifying the individual(s)
#' who created the chronology
#' @param agemodel A string representing the age model name, for
#' example "Crummy linear interpolation".
#' @param ageboundolder The `ageboundolder` is assigned the oldest sample
#' age rounded up to the nearest 10
#' @param ageboundyounger The `ageboundyounger` is assigned the oldest
#' sample age rounded up to the nearest 10
#' @param isdefault Defines whether the model is the default for
#' the collection unit for a particular model age type.
#' @param notes Additional notes about the chronology. For more
#' modern models, often the function call to Bacon or Bchron is added here.
#' @param dateprepared The date at which the age model was prepared.
#' @param modelagetype The age type for the model. For validation, the models
#' should be one of the valid Neotoma \code{agetypes}: 
#' \url{https://api.neotomadb.org/v2.0/data/dbtables?table=agetypes}
#' @param chronologyname A valid name for the chronology.
#' @param chroncontrols A data.frame containing the chronological controls
#' for the age model.
#' @description Function to create new chronology objects for personal analysis. 
#' The new object will not be uploaded to the database.
#' @returns `chronology` object
#' @export
set_chronology <- function(x = NA,
                           chronologyid = NA_integer_,
                           notes = NA_character_,
                           contact = list(),
                           agemodel = NA_character_,
                           ageboundolder = NA_integer_,
                           ageboundyounger = NA_integer_,
                           isdefault = NA_integer_,
                           dateprepared = as.Date(character(0)),
                           modelagetype = NA_character_,
                           chronologyname = NA_character_,
                           chroncontrols = data.frame(0)) {

  function_call <- match.call()
  if (suppressWarnings(is.na(x))) {
    x <- new("chronology")
    if (is.na(x@chronologyid)) {
      x@chronologyid <- uuid::UUIDgenerate()
    } else {
      x@chronologyid <- chronologyid
    x@contact <- contact
    x@agemodel <- agemodel
    x@ageboundolder <- ceiling(ageboundolder / 10) * 10
    x@ageboundyounger <- floor(ageboundyounger / 10) * 10
    x@isdefault <- isdefault
    x@notes <- notes
    x@dateprepared <- dateprepared
    x@modelagetype <- modelagetype
    x@chronologyname <- chronologyname

    chroncontrols$chronologyid <- x@chronologyid

    x@chroncontrols <- chroncontrols

  } else {
    if (is(x, "chronology")) {
        for (i in 3:length(function_call)) {
          slot(x, names(function_call)[[i]]) <- eval(function_call[[i]])
      } else {
    } else {
      stop("`x` must be a chronology object if it is supplied.")

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neotoma2 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:21 a.m.