
## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  warning = FALSE

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(hsstan)
#  # number of cores for parallelising hsstan sampling
#  # store original options in oldopt
#  # at the end reset options to old configuration
#  oldopt <- options(mc.cores = 2)
#  # load iris dataset and simulate a continuous outcome
#  data(iris)
#  dt <- iris[, 1:4]
#  colnames(dt) <- c("marker1", "marker2", "marker3", "marker4")
#  dt <-, 2, scale))
#  dt$outcome.cont <- -3 + 0.5 * dt$marker1 + 2 * dt$marker2 + rnorm(nrow(dt), 0, 2)
#  # unpenalised covariates: always retain in the prediction model
#  uvars <- "marker1"
#  # penalised covariates: coefficients are drawn from hierarchical shrinkage prior
#  pvars <- c("marker2", "marker3", "marker4") # penalised covariates
#  # run cross-validation with univariate filter and hsstan
# <- outercv(y = dt$outcome.cont, x = dt[, c(uvars, pvars)],
#                           model = "model.hsstan",
#                           filterFUN = lm_filter,
#                           filter_options = list(force_vars = uvars,
#                                                 nfilter = 2,
#                                                 p_cutoff = NULL,
#                                                 rsq_cutoff = 0.9),
#                           chains = 2,  # chains parallelised via options(mc.cores)
#                           n_outer_folds = 3, cv.cores = 1,  # CV folds not parallelised
#                           unpenalized = uvars, warmup = 100, iter = 200)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  summary(
#  #> Single cross-validation to measure performance
#  #> Outer loop:  3-fold CV
#  #> No inner loop
#  #> 150 observations, 4 predictors
#  #>
#  #> Model:  model.hsstan
#  #> Filter:  lm_filter
#  #>         n.filter
#  #> Fold 1         3
#  #> Fold 2         3
#  #> Fold 3         3
#  #>
#  #> Final fit:             mean   sd  2.5% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#  #> (Intercept) -3.17 0.14 -3.40 -2.89   221 0.99
#  #> marker1      0.37 0.32 -0.36  0.90   209 1.00
#  #> marker2      2.07 0.22  1.70  2.47   196 1.00
#  #> marker3      0.11 0.31 -0.43  0.92   104 1.00
#  #>
#  #> Result:
#  #>     RMSE   Rsquared        MAE
#  #>   2.1226     0.4772     1.6971
#  sampler.stats($final_fit)
#  #>         accept.stat stepsize divergences treedepth gradients warmup sample
#  #> chain:1      0.9843   0.0241           0         8     14844   0.25   0.12
#  #> chain:2      0.9722   0.0316           0         8     11356   0.12   0.09
#  #> all          0.9783   0.0279           0         8     26200   0.37   0.21
#  print(projsel($final_fit), digits = 4)  # adding marker2
#  #>                                                      Model        KL        ELPD
#  #>                                             Intercept only   0.32508  -374.99055
#  #>                                           Initial submodel   0.32031  -374.72416
#  #>                                                    marker2   0.00151  -325.82289
#  #>                                                    marker3   0.00000  -325.88824
#  #>                var       kl rel.kl.null rel.kl   elpd delta.elpd
#  #> 1   Intercept only 0.325077     0.00000     NA -375.0  -49.10230
#  #> 2 Initial submodel 0.320306     0.01468 0.0000 -374.7  -48.83591
#  #> 3          marker2 0.001506     0.99537 0.9953 -325.8    0.06535
#  #> 4          marker3 0.000000     1.00000 1.0000 -325.9    0.00000

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  # sigmoid function
#  sigmoid <- function(x) {1 / (1 + exp(-x))}
#  # load iris dataset and create a binary outcome
#  set.seed(267)
#  data(iris)
#  dt <- iris[, 1:4]
#  colnames(dt) <- c("marker1", "marker2", "marker3", "marker4")
#  dt <-, 2, scale))
#  rownames(dt) <- paste0("sample", c(1:nrow(dt)))
#  dt$outcome.bin <- sigmoid(0.5 * dt$marker1 + 2 * dt$marker2) > runif(nrow(dt))
#  dt$outcome.bin <- factor(dt$outcome.bin)
#  # unpenalised covariates: always retain in the prediction model
#  uvars <- "marker1"
#  # penalised covariates: coefficients are drawn from hierarchical shrinkage prior
#  pvars <- c("marker2", "marker3", "marker4") # penalised covariates
#  # run cross-validation with univariate filter and hsstan
# <- outercv(y = dt$outcome.bin,
#                           x = as.matrix(dt[, c(uvars, pvars)]),
#                           model = "model.hsstan",
#                           filterFUN = ttest_filter,
#                           filter_options = list(force_vars = uvars,
#                                                 nfilter = 2,
#                                                 p_cutoff = NULL,
#                                                 rsq_cutoff = 0.9),
#                           chains = 2,  # parallelise over chains
#                           n_outer_folds = 3, cv.cores = 1,
#                           unpenalized = uvars, warmup = 100, iter = 200)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  summary(
#  #> Single cross-validation to measure performance
#  #> Outer loop:  3-fold CV
#  #> No inner loop
#  #> 150 observations, 4 predictors
#  #>    78    72
#  #>
#  #> Model:  model.hsstan
#  #> Filter:  ttest_filter
#  #>         n.filter
#  #> Fold 1         3
#  #> Fold 2         3
#  #> Fold 3         3
#  #>
#  #> Final fit:             mean   sd  2.5% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#  #> (Intercept) -0.12 0.23 -0.56  0.27   200    1
#  #> marker1      0.50 0.30 -0.10  1.16   208    1
#  #> marker2      1.91 0.36  1.26  2.66   263    1
#  #> marker3      0.01 0.24 -0.55  0.69   171    1
#  #>
#  #> Result:
#  #>          Reference
#  #> Predicted FALSE TRUE
#  #>     FALSE    56   23
#  #>     TRUE     22   49
#  #>
#  #>               AUC            Accuracy   Balanced accuracy
#  #>            0.8284              0.7000              0.6993
#  # examine the Bayesian model
#  print(projsel($final_fit), digits = 4)  # adding marker2
#  #>                                                      Model        KL        ELPD
#  #>                                             Intercept only   0.20643  -104.26957
#  #>                                           Initial submodel   0.20118  -104.17411
#  #>                                                    marker2   0.00060  -73.84232
#  #>                                                    marker3   0.00000  -73.93210
#  #>                var        kl rel.kl.null rel.kl    elpd delta.elpd
#  #> 1   Intercept only 2.064e-01     0.00000     NA -104.27  -30.33748
#  #> 2 Initial submodel 2.012e-01     0.02543  0.000 -104.17  -30.24201
#  #> 3          marker2 5.964e-04     0.99711  0.997  -73.84    0.08977
#  #> 4          marker3 9.133e-18     1.00000  1.000  -73.93    0.00000
#  options(oldopt)  # reset options

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