
Defines functions get_coords del_iso_nodes get_nz_nodes getNZ get_subnet custombsModal

# Not in operator
`%nin%` <- Negate(`%in%`)

# Custom colors that we (semi) manually selected to use in the plots
# These colors were chosen such that any two colors next to each are as distinct as possible
custom.col <- c("#DBB165",  "#52854C", "#4E84C4", "#C3D7A4","#C4961A", "#8B4513", "#293352",
                "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#B62A3D", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7",
                "#000000", "#66C2A5", "#FC8D62", "#8DA0CB", "#E78AC3", "#A6D854", "#FFD92F",
                "#E5C494", "#B3B3B3", "#1B9E77", "#D95F02", "#7570B3", "#E7298A", "#66A61E",
                "#E6AB02", "#A6761D", "#666666", "#A6CEE3", "#1F78B4", "#B2DF8A", "#33A02C",
                "#FB9A99", "#E31A1C", "#FDBF6F", "#FF7F00", "#CAB2D6", "#6A3D9A", "#FFFF99",
                "#B15928", "#FFD700", "#C5B358")


# Custom bsModal that does not close when users click outside the dialog modal
# or when users press the escape key
custombsModal <- function(...) {
  bmodal <- shinyBS::bsModal(...)
  bmodal[[2]]$`data-backdrop` <- "static"
  bmodal[[2]]$`data-keyboard` <- "false"

# This function checks if only a few nodes are chosen to create a subnetwork
# If a subnetwork needs to be created, it does so by only getting the nodes that are chosen
# with their neighbors
get_subnet <- function(vals, mat){
    ind_subgraph_nodes <- which(dimnames(mat)[[2]] %in% vals$subgraph_nodes)
    summ_df <- Matrix::summary(mat)
    summ_df <- summ_df[summ_df$i %in% ind_subgraph_nodes | summ_df$j %in% ind_subgraph_nodes, ]
    nms_subgraph_nodes <- sort(union(summ_df$i, summ_df$j))
    nms_subgraph_nodes <- dimnames(mat)[[2]][nms_subgraph_nodes]
    mat <- mat[nms_subgraph_nodes, nms_subgraph_nodes]

# Function that returns an adjacency or weighted matrix with only nodes
# that satisfy threshold value(s) given. If (both) threshold value(s) are NULL, it will
# return an adjacency or weight matrix that only include non-isolated nodes
getNZ <- function(vals, input, mat, diff = FALSE, to_plot = FALSE){
  shiny::validate(shiny::need(!is.null(mat), "Getting proper data"))
  if(vals$mode == "gxe"){
    shiny::validate(shiny::need(!is.null(vals$n_traits), "Getting proper data"))
  mat <- Matrix::Matrix(mat)
  n_nodes <- dim(mat)[[2]]

  if(isFALSE(vals$mode == "gxe") || isTRUE(diff) || isTRUE(to_plot)){
    if(!is.null(input$cor_t) && isFALSE(diff)){
      mat[abs(mat) < input$cor_t] <- 0
      #indic <- Matrix::which(abs(mat) < input$cor_t, arr.ind = TRUE)
      #mat[indic] <- 0
    diag(mat) <- 0 #Makes diagonal values 0
    mat <- Matrix::drop0(mat) #Returns sparse matrix with no explicit zeroes (including removing diagonal zeroes)
    nzvec <- which(Matrix::colSums(mat) == 0) #Gets indices of isolated nodes
    if(isFALSE(vals$hide_iso_nodes) && isFALSE(diff)){
    if(length(nzvec) > 0){
      mat <- mat[-nzvec, -nzvec]

    markers <- setdiff(dimnames(mat)[[1]], vals$trait_nodes)
    trt <- vals$trait_nodes[vals$trait_nodes %in% dimnames(mat)[[1]]]
      #mat[markers, markers][abs(mat[markers, markers]) < input$cor_m] <- 0
      mat[markers, ][abs(mat[markers, ]) < input$cor_m] <- 0
      mat[, markers][abs(mat[, markers]) < input$cor_m] <- 0
      #mat[(vals$n_traits+1):n_nodes, (vals$n_traits+1):n_nodes][abs(mat[(vals$n_traits+1):n_nodes, (vals$n_traits+1):n_nodes]) < input$cor_m] <- 0
      mat[, trt][abs(mat[, trt]) < input$cor_t] <- 0
      mat[trt, ][abs(mat[trt, ]) < input$cor_t] <- 0
    diag(mat) <- 0  #Makes diagonal values 0
    mat <- Matrix::drop0(mat, tol = 0) #Returns sparse matrix with no explicit zeroes for opt.adj, thus removing diagonal 0 values
    nzvec <- which(Matrix::colSums(mat) == 0) #gets indices of traits and markers that do not have any links
    if(isTRUE(vals$hide_iso_markers) && isFALSE(vals$hide_iso_traits)){
      #nzvec <- nzvec[nzvec > vals$n_traits] #gets indices of only markers that do not have any links
      nzvec <- nzvec[match(markers, names(nzvec), nomatch = FALSE)]
    else if(isFALSE(vals$hide_iso_markers) && isTRUE(vals$hide_iso_traits)){
      #nzvec <- nzvec[nzvec <= vals$n_traits] #gets indices of only traits that do not have any links
      nzvec <- nzvec[match(trt, names(nzvec), nomatch = FALSE)]
    else if(isFALSE(vals$hide_iso_markers) && isFALSE(vals$hide_iso_traits)){
      nzvec <- numeric()

    if(length(nzvec) > 0){
      mat <- mat[-nzvec, -nzvec]

# This function takes as argument an adjacency or weight matrix
# The function returns the names of only non-isolated nodes
get_nz_nodes <- function(mat, vals, input){
  mat <- getNZ(vals = vals, input = input, mat = mat)
  nz_names <- dimnames(mat)[[2]]

del_iso_nodes <- function(graph_object){
  isolated <- which(igraph::degree(graph_object) == 0)
  graph_object_connected <- igraph::delete.vertices(graph_object, isolated)

get_coords <- function(vals, input) {
  mat_f <- getNZ(vals = vals, input = input, mat = vals$networks[[input$net1]])
  mat_f2 <- getNZ(vals = vals, input = input, mat = vals$networks[[input$net2]])
  mat_f@x[abs(mat_f@x) > 0] <- 1
  mat_f2@x[abs(mat_f2@x) > 0] <- 1

  if (!is.null(input$nodes_subgraph)) {
    mat_f <- get_subnet(vals = vals, mat = mat_f)
    mat_f2 <- get_subnet(vals = vals, mat = mat_f2)
  g_f <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(mat_f, mode = "undirected")
  g_f2 <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(mat_f2, mode = "undirected")
  attrs <- unique(rbind(igraph::as_data_frame(g_f, "vertices"), igraph::as_data_frame(g_f2, "vertices")))
  el <- rbind(igraph::as_data_frame(g_f), igraph::as_data_frame(g_f2))
  g_f <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(el, directed = FALSE, vertices = attrs)
  if (vals$layout == "Tree") {
    if (all(vals$tree_root %in% igraph::V(g_f)$name)) {
      lay <- igraph::layout_as_tree(g_f, root = vals$tree_root)
    else {
      shiny::showNotification("Some of the inputted nodes are missing from one of current networks", type = "error")
  else if (vals$layout == "kk") {
    lay <- igraph::layout_with_kk(g_f)
  else if (vals$layout == "Fruchterman-Reingold") {
    lay <- igraph::layout_with_fr(g_f, weights = NULL)
  else if (vals$layout == "Circle") {
    lay <- igraph::layout_in_circle(g_f)
  else if(vals$layout == "Grid.2D") {
    lay <- igraph::layout_on_grid(g_f, dim = 2)
  else {
    lay <- igraph::layout_nicely(g_f, weights = NULL)

  row.names(lay) <- names(igraph::V(g_f))

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netShiny documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 5:07 p.m.