Man pages for netgwas
Network-Based Genome Wide Association Studies

buildMaplinkage group detection and ordering markers for class...
cal.posEstimate genetic map distances
cross2netgwas'cross' object to 'netgwas' data frame
CviColArabidopsis thaliana genotype data
detect.errIdentiying likely genotyping error
lower.upperCalculates lower band and upper band
netgwas2crossnetgwasmap object to cross object
netgwas-packageNetwork Based Genome Wide Association Studies
netmapConstructing linkage map for diploids and polyploids
netphenogenoReconstructs conditional dependence network among genetic...
netsnpReconstructs intra- and inter- chromosomal conditional...
plot.netgwasplot for S3 class "netgwas"
plot.netgwasmapplot for S3 class "netgwasmap"
plot.selectPlot function for S3 class "select"
plot.simGenoPlot function for 'S3' class '"simgeno"'
print.netgwasPrint function for S3 class "netgwas"
print.netgwasmapPrint function for S3 class "netgwasmap"
print.selectPrint function for S3 class "select"
print.simGenoPrint function for S3 class "simgeno"
R.approxThe expectation of covariance using approximation method
R.gibbsThe expectation of covariance matrix using Gibbs sampling
selectnetModel selection
simGenoGenerate genotype data based on Gaussian copula
simRILGenerate genotype data of RIL
tetraPotatotetraploid potato genotype data
thalianaArabidopsis thaliana phenotype and genotype data
netgwas documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:33 a.m.