plot.netgwas: plot for S3 class "netgwas"

View source: R/netphenogeno.R View source: R/netsnp.R

plot.netgwasR Documentation

plot for S3 class "netgwas"


Plot the graph path which is the output of two functions netsnp, netphenogeno.


## S3 method for class 'netgwas'
plot( x, n.markers=NULL , ... )



An object from "netgwas" class.


A vector containing number of variables/markers in each group/chromosome. For example, the CviCol dataset that is provided in the package contains 5 chromosomes/ groups which the total number of markers is p = 90, where the first 24 markers belong into chromosome 1, the next 14 markers into chromosome 2, ..., and chromosome 5 contains 19 markers. Thus, n.mrkr = c(24,14,17,16,19). If n.mrkr = NULL, in the graph visualization all markers are represented same colour.


System reserved (No specific usage)


Pariya Behrouzi and Ernst C. Wit
Maintainer: Pariya Behrouzi


Behrouzi, P., and Wit, E. C. (2017c). netgwas: An R Package for Network-Based Genome-Wide Association Studies. arXiv preprint, arXiv:1710.01236.

See Also

netmap, netsnp, netphenogeno.

netgwas documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:33 a.m.