Man pages for netregR
Regression of Network Responses

build_blocklistbuild list of time blocks that are correlated based on the...
build_exchangeable_matrixBuild an exchangeable matrix of sparseMatrix class
build_phi_matrixBuild intermediate C(phi,n) matrix in inversion of...
calculate_matrix_paramscalculate parameter estimates for different types of...
calculate_parameter_inverseInvert matrix parameters based on inputs.
coef.lmnetCoef S3 generic for class lmnet
combineFind all possible combinations of elements in two vectors, or...
dyadDyad map from nodes i,j -> dyad d
eigen_exchEigenvalues of exchangeable matrices if calcall == TRUE, then...
eigen_exch_timeCompute eigenvalues of covariance matrices of jointly...
GEE.estPerform GEE estimate / IRWLS of coefficients
GEE_est_timePerform GEE estimate / IRWLS of coefficients for temporal...
inputs_lmnetInput preprocessing
interactionsSocial interaction data set
invert_exchangeable_matrixInvert an exchangeable matrix
lmnetLinear regression for network response
make.positive.varReplace negative eigenvalues with zeros in variance matrix
mat.netMatricize a network vector (without diagonal)
meatABCMatrix product of A^TBC where B is a short list of parameters...
meat.DC.rowCalculate DC meat using rows of X, e
meat.E.rowCalculate E meat using rows of X, e
model.matrix.lmnetmodel.matrix S3 generic for class lmnet
node.genGenerate node pairs for complete network
node_gen_timeMake complete node indices for temporal relational data
node_preprocessPre-processes data for ordering etc.
node_preprocess_timePre-processes data for ordering, FOR TEMPORAL DATA, etc.
node.setGenerate node sets of various overlapping dyad pairs
param_estCalculate parameter estimates using rows of e
param_est_single_ilistGiven matrix of time blocks and a particular exchangeable...
plot.lmnetPlot S3 generic for class lmnet
print.lmnetPrint S3 generic for class lmnet
print.summary.lmnetPrint S3 generic for class summary.lmnet
print.summary.vnetPrint S3 generic for summary.vnet object
print.vnetPrint S3 generic for vnet object
row_list_missingGenerate row list based on nodes input with missingness
row_list_timeMake row list for complete temporal relational data
rphiGenerate positive definite phi set
Sigma.indGenerate list indicator matrix of overlapping dyads
summary.lmnetSummary S3 generic for class lmnet
summary.vnetSummary S3 generic for vnet object
symm_square_rootCompute symmetric square root of A, assuming it is real,...
vcov.lmnetvcov S3 generic for class lmnet
vec.netVectorize a network matrix (without diagonal)
vnetVariance computation for linear regression of network...
wolfWolf network data set
netregR documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:13 p.m.