
#' @export
#' @import igraph
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
#' @importFrom grDevices png
#' @importFrom graphics grconvertX
#' @importFrom graphics grconvertY
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @param nodeLogic This is the connections between the nodes.
#' @param wd is the working directory to save the HTML source code in. If not given, the file will be saved in the default working directory.
#' @param names This allows you to put in your own names in the nodes when generating the maze.
#' @param concerto Choose between concerto 4 or concerto 5. So if you are not using concerto, you might want to change the default option to concerto 4 instead.
#' @description This function generates an network Maze with 3 arrows.
#' @details This function creates a maze and is saved into your working directory. This is regardless of whether it is a trail or circuit type maze. 3 arrows per maze is generated. Bearing in mind that with 3 arrows, the maze may not always be solved. Hence, it still requires checking prior to using it as a test.
#' @author Aiden Loe
#' @title Generate Network Maze (3 arrows)
#' @examples
#' #create random names
#' countries <- c("Croatia","Cyprus","Denmark","Finland","France","Germany",
#' "Greece","Hungary","Iceland","UK","US")
#' #create node logic
#' logic <- nodeLogic(value = 8, type= "circuit", itemFamily= 1)
#' #Folder to save html/
#' #setwd("~/desktop")
#' #filePath<- getwd()
#' #Generate item
#' set.seed(1)
#' netHTML3arrows(logic, wd=NULL, names = countries,concerto="C5")

netHTML3arrows <- function(nodeLogic=NULL, wd=NULL, names=NULL, concerto="C5"){

    warnings("Please insert nodeLogic.")

    message("HTML file is saved in default working directory.")

  if(concerto != "C4" && concerto !="C5") stop("Please use select either C4 or C5 for the concerto argument.")

  ##### html ####
    wd = getwd()

  htmlfile = file.path(paste0(wd, "/maze.html"))

    button<- cssC5()
    button<- cssC4()

  cat(button, append=TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  cat("\n</head>", append=TRUE, file = htmlfile)
  cat("\n<br>", append=TRUE, file = htmlfile)
  cat("\n<p align=\"center\" style=\"font-family:lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;font-size:20px;\"><span style=\"color: white;\">Level {{level}} out of {{t_question}}.</span></p>",append=TRUE, file = htmlfile)
  cat("\n<body>", append = TRUE, file = htmlfile)
  cat("\n<p align=\"center\" style=\"font-family:lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;font-size:14px;\"><font color=\"white\">To solve the puzzle, travel on every path. You can return to the same country but you can only use each path once. </font></p> ", append=TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  cat("\n<p align=\"center\" style=\"font-family:lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;font-size:14px;\"><font color=\"white\">You can only go in one direction for those paths with an arrow. </font></p>", append=TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  cat("\n<p align=\"center\" style=\"font-family:lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;font-size:14px;\"><font color=\"white\">Click on any country to begin.</font></p>", append=TRUE, file=htmlfile)

  ####### Create Node coordinates

  # countries <- c("Albania","Andorra","Armenia","Austria","Azerbajian","Belarus","Belgium","Bulgaria","Croatia","Cyprus","Denmark","Estonia","Finland","France","Georgia","Germany","Greece","Hungary","Iceland","Ireland","Italy","Kazakhstan","Kosovo","Latvia","Malta","Moldova","Monaco","Norway","Poland","Portugal","Romania","Russia","Serbia","Slovakia","Solvenia","Spain","Sweden","Turkey","Ukraine","UK","US")

  #countries<- as.data.frame(countries)
  o <- suppressWarnings(logicMap(nodeLogic ,base.colour=3, start.colour=9,end.colour= 9,names=names,newValue=9,default.colour=FALSE, no.label=FALSE))
  #Other graph layouts: add_layout_; layout.bipartite, layout_as_bipartite; as_star, layout.star, layout_as_star; as_tree, layout_as_tree; component_wise; in_circle, layout_in_circle; layout.auto, layout_nicely, nicely; layout.davidson.harel, layout_with_dh, with_dh; layout.gem, layout_with_gem, with_gem; layout.graphopt, layout_with_graphopt, with_graphopt; layout.grid, layout.grid.3d, layout.grid.3d, layout_on_grid, on_grid; layout.mds, layout_with_mds, with_mds; layout.merge, layout_components, merge_coords, piecewise.layout, piecewise.layout; layout.norm, norm_coords; layout.sugiyama, layout_with_sugiyama, with_sugiyama; layout_on_sphere, on_sphere; layout_randomly, randomly; layout_with_fr, with_fr; layout_with_kk, with_kk; layout_with_lgl, with_lgl; normalize

  #coords <- layout_with_dh(o)
  #coords <- layout.auto(o)
  #plot(o, layout = coords)

  #Must normalise coordinates
  #grconvertX and gconvertY create the right pixel coordinates.
  coordinates <- layout_with_dh(o)
  coordinates.1 <- layout.norm(coordinates)

  # Plot Graph
  #save empty .png
  png(filename="map.png", height=1000, width=1000)
  #plot graph, png must always be forced.
              vertex.label.cex=0.5) # plot using desired coordinates)

  # combind vector of coordinates
  coord. <- cbind(grconvertX(coordinates.1[, 1], "user", "device"), cbind(grconvertY(coordinates.1[, 2], "user", "device")))
  coord.1 <- apply(coord., 1:2, function(x) x/1.8) #adjust node coordinates

  cat("\n<div align=center>", append = TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  cat("<div class=box>", append=TRUE, file=htmlfile)

  #margin:0 auto puts container in the center when it is a fixed width.
  cat("\n<div style= 'position:relative;width:auto; height:auto;margin:0 auto' id = 'graphContainer'>", append=TRUE, file=htmlfile)  #position:relative(parent)

  #Position of the buttons is relative to the div position
  #z index puts the div tag at the top, so the nodes are above the edges.
  n.name <-  unlist(V(o)$name)
  buttons = ""
  for (j in 1:nrow(coord.)){
    buttons <- paste0(buttons,"\n<div onClick='nodeClick(this)' id = '", j,"'", " class = 'myButton' style = 'z-index:1; left:",(coord.1[j,1]),"px;top:",(coord.1[j,2]),"px'>",n.name[j],"</div>")
  cat(buttons, append=TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  ed<- ends(o, E(o), names=FALSE)

  ##### Extract start node coordinates.
  #Number of rows we need from vector.
  start.index <- ed[,1]

  #Number of columns we need from matrix.
  start.coord <- ncol(coord.)
  #Empty Matrix
  start.node.coord <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(start.index), ncol = start.coord)

  #get coordinates
  for(i in 1:length(start.index)){
    start.node.coord[i,]<- coord.[start.index[i],]
  start.node.coord.1 <- apply(start.node.coord,1:2, function(x) x/1.8)

  ##### Extract end node coordinates.
  end.index<- ed[,2]
  end.coord <- ncol(coord.)

  #Create empty matrix
  end.node.coord <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(end.index), ncol= end.coord)
  for(i in 1:length(end.index)){
    end.node.coord[i,] <- coord.[end.index[i],]
  end.node.coord.1 <- apply(end.node.coord,1:2, function(x) x/1.8) #adjust edge coord

  #### Number of Arrows per maze #####
  # selecting rows randomly to swap around for arrows
  # This needs to change for the java script so that the arrows are highlighted.
  (x <- nrow(end.node.coord.1))
  rowNumber <- sample(x, size=3, replace=FALSE) # unidirection

  uniDirection = c(2,2)

  revDirection = 3
  direction <- rep(1,times=nrow(end.node.coord.1))

  direction[rowNumber] = c(uniDirection,revDirection)
  direction<- cbind(direction)
  arrowDirect <- cbind.data.frame(ed,direction)

  #### Edges of Nodes
  connections = ""
  for (i in 1:nrow(ed)){
      connections <- paste0(connections,"
                            <marker id=\"arrow",i,"\" markerWidth=\"100\" markerHeight=\"50\" refx=\"40\" refy=\"6\" orient=\"auto\">
                            <path id=\"colourArrow",i,"\"d=\"M2,1 L2,10 L10,6 L2,2\" style=\"fill:blue\" />
                            <path id=",paste0('"',ed[i,1],'_',ed[i,2],'"'), " d=","\"M",end.node.coord.1[i,1],' ',end.node.coord.1[i,2],' L',start.node.coord.1[i,1],' ',start.node.coord.1[i,2],"\"  style=\"stroke:black; stroke-width: 3.25px; fill: none ;marker-end: url(#arrow",i,");\" >
                            </path>  ")
    }else if(arrowDirect$direction[i]==2){
      connections <- paste0(connections,"
                            <marker id=\"arrow",i,"\" markerWidth=\"100\" markerHeight=\"50\" refx=\"40\" refy=\"6\" orient=\"auto\">
                            <path id=\"colourArrow",i,"\" d=\"M2,1 L2,10 L10,6 L2,2\" style=\"fill:blue\" />
                            <path id=",paste0('"',ed[i,1],'_',ed[i,2],'"'), " d=","\"M",start.node.coord.1[i,1],' ',start.node.coord.1[i,2],' L',end.node.coord.1[i,1],' ',end.node.coord.1[i,2],"\" style=\"stroke:black; stroke-width: 3.25px; fill: none ;marker-end: url(#arrow",i,");\" >
                            </path> ")
      connections <- paste0(connections,"
                            <path id=",paste0('"',ed[i,1],'_',ed[i,2],'"'), " d=","\"M",start.node.coord.1[i,1],' ',start.node.coord.1[i,2],' L',end.node.coord.1[i,1],' ',end.node.coord.1[i,2],"\" style=\"stroke:black; stroke-width: 3.25px; fill: none ;\" >
                            </path> ")

  # Step 1 Break into col vectors
  start.node <- ed[,1]
  start.node<- cbind(start.node)

  end.node<- ed[,2]
  end.node <- cbind(end.node)

  travelled = 0

  cat("\n<div>", append = TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  cat("\n <svg height=\"610\" width=\"600\">", append=TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  cat(connections, append=TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  cat("\n </svg>", append=TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  cat("\n</div>", append = TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  cat("\n</div>", append = TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  cat("\n</div>", append = TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  cat("\n</div>", append = TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  cat("\n<div id=\"hidden\">&nbsp;</div>", append=TRUE, file=htmlfile) #saves all the info into the id=hidden. concerto will automatically save all this info in a form.
  cat("\n<div id=\"hidden2\">&nbsp;</div>", append=TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  cat("\n<input name=\"next\" style=\"display: none;\" type=\"Submit\" value=\"next\" />",append=TRUE, file=htmlfile) # For concerto
  #cat("\n<input type = 'submit' value = 'next' style='display: none'> ", append=TRUE, file = htmlfile)
  cat("\n</div>", append = TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  cat("\n<p style =\"width:150px; text-align: center; height:20px; background-color:#fff; border: 1px solid #999\" id=\"output\" hidden></p>", append=TRUE, file=htmlfile)

  # Include the position of which row to be reverse directions or unidirections
  ##### Step 2 for loop across number of col vectors
  edge.list <- "\n var edgeArray=["

  for (i in 1:length(start.node)){
    if (i != 1) {
      edge.list <- paste0(edge.list,",[",start.node[i,1],",",end.node[i,1],",", travelled[],",",direction[i,1], "]")
    } else {
      edge.list <- paste0(edge.list,"[",start.node[i,1],",",end.node[i,1],",", travelled[],",",direction[i,1],"]")
  edge.list <- paste0(edge.list,"];")

  cat("\n<script>", append = TRUE, file = htmlfile)
  cat(edge.list, append=TRUE, file=htmlfile)
  javaScript <- javaScript3Arrows(arrowDirect, rowNumber)
  cat(javaScript, append=TRUE, file=htmlfile)

  cat("\n</script>", append = TRUE, file = htmlfile)
  cat("\n</body>", append = TRUE, file = htmlfile)
  cat("\n</html>", append = TRUE, file = htmlfile)

  message("Check to make sure that maze is solvable. If not, set a different seed.")


Try the networkGen package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

networkGen documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:10 a.m.