nhanesTableSummary: Summarize NHANES table

View source: R/nhanes.R

nhanesTableSummaryR Documentation

Summarize NHANES table


Summarize a NHANES table


nhanesTableSummary(nh_table, use = c("data", "codebook", "both"), ...)



the name of a valid NHANES table


character string, whether to create a summary from the data itself or the codebook, which respectively use either the NHANES SAS data files or the HTML documentation files. If use = "both" then both are computed as merged; the src and ... arguments are ignored in this case.


additional arguments, usually passed on to either nhanes or nhanesCodebook as appropriate. Alternatively, the src argument can be used to pass on an already available data frame or codebook, but this must be consistent with the use argument.


Returns a per-variable summary of a NHANES table either using the actual data or its corresponding codebook


A data frame with one row per variable, with columns depending on the value of the use argument.


nhanesTableSummary('DEMO_D', use = "data")
nhanesTableSummary('DEMO_D', use = "codebook")

nhanesA documentation built on July 4, 2024, 9:08 a.m.