#nhanesA - retrieve data from the CDC NHANES repository
# Christopher J. Endres 09/14/2023
# nhanes
# nhanesFromURL
# nhanesDXA
# nhanesAttr
# nhanesTableSummary
# browseNHANES
#' Download an NHANES table and return as a data frame.
#' Use to download NHANES data tables that are in SAS format.
#' @importFrom foreign read.xport lookup.xport
#' @param nh_table The name of the specific table to retrieve.
#' @param includelabels If TRUE, then include SAS labels as variable
#' attribute (default = FALSE).
#' @param translated translated whether the variables are translated.
#' @param cleanse_numeric Logical flag. If \code{TRUE}, some special
#' codes in numeric variables, such as \sQuote{Refused} and
#' \sQuote{Don't know} will be converted to \code{NA}.
#' @param nchar Maximum length of translated string (default =
#' 128). Ignored if translated=FALSE.
#' @param adjust_timeout Typically a logical flag indicating whether
#' the default \code{\link{download.file}} timeout option should be
#' adjusted by taking into account the size of the file to be
#' downloaded, as reported by the server. The value can also be a
#' positive numeric value, in which case it is used as a further
#' multiplicative factor for the default calculation.
#' @return The table is returned as a data frame.
#' @details Downloads a table from the NHANES website as is, i.e. in
#' its entirety with no modification or cleansing. If the
#' environment variable \code{NHANES_TABLE_BASE} was set during
#' startup, the value of this variable is used as the base URL
#' instead of \url{} (this allows the use of a
#' local or alternative mirror of the CDC data). NHANES tables are
#' stored in SAS '.XPT' format but are imported as a data frame.
#' The \code{nhanes} function cannot be used to import limited
#' access data.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{bpx_e = nhanes('BPX_E')}
#' \donttest{dim(bpx_e)}
#' \donttest{folate_f = nhanes('FOLATE_F', includelabels = TRUE)}
#' \donttest{dim(folate_f)}
#' @export
nhanes <- function(nh_table, includelabels = FALSE,
translated = TRUE, cleanse_numeric = FALSE, nchar = 128,
adjust_timeout = TRUE)
if(!grepl("^(Y_)\\w+", nh_table) && .useDB()){
return(.nhanesDB(nh_table, includelabels, translated))
nht <- tryCatch({
nh_year <- .get_year_from_nh_table(nh_table)
if(startsWith(nh_table, "Y_")) {
url <- paste0('', nh_year, '/', nh_table, '.XPT')
} else {
url <- paste0(nhanesTableURL, nh_year, '/', nh_table, '.XPT')
## ask server for file size and adjust options("timeout") accordingly
min_timeout <- estimate_timeout(url, factor = adjust_timeout)
if (is.finite(min_timeout) && min_timeout > 0) {
oopt <- options(timeout = max(min_timeout, getOption("timeout")))
tf <- tempfile()
if (isTRUE(nhanesOptions("log.access"))) message("Downloading: ", url)
download.file(url, tf, mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE)
nh_df <- read.xport(tf, check.names = FALSE)
# suppress warning because there will be a warning and the function returns NULL when no columns need to translated.
suppressWarnings(suppressMessages({nh_df <-
nhanesTranslate(nh_table,colnames = colnames(nh_df)[2:ncol(nh_df)],
data = nh_df, nchar = nchar,
cleanse_numeric = cleanse_numeric)
if(includelabels) {
xport_struct <- lookup.xport(tf)
column_names <- xport_struct[[1]]$name
column_labels <- xport_struct[[1]]$label
names(column_labels) <- column_names
# Ideal case where rows and labels are identical
if(identical(names(nh_df), column_names)) {
for( name in column_names) {
attr(nh_df[[name]],"label") = column_labels[which(names(column_labels)==name)]
} else {
message(paste0("Column names and labels are not consistent for table ", nh_table, ". No labels added"))
error = function(cond) {
message(paste("Data set ", nh_table, " is not available"), collapse='')
# message(url)
warning = function(cond) {
message(cond, '\n')
##' Download an NHANES table from URL
##' Downloads an NHANES table from a URL and returns it as a data frame
##' @title Parse NHANES doc URL
##' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
##' @param url URL of XPT file to be downloaded
##' @param translated logical, whether variable codes should be translated
##' @param cleanse_numeric Logical flag. If \code{TRUE}, some special
##' codes in numeric variables, such as \sQuote{Refused} and
##' \sQuote{Don't know} will be converted to \code{NA}.
##' @param nchar integer, labels are truncated after this
##' @param adjust_timeout Typically a logical flag indicating whether
##' the default \code{\link{download.file}} timeout option should be
##' adjusted by taking into account the size of the file to be
##' downloaded, as reported by the server. The value can also be a
##' positive numeric value, in which case it is used as a further
##' multiplicative factor for the default calculation.
##' @return data frame
##' @export
nhanesFromURL <- function(url, translated = TRUE, cleanse_numeric = TRUE,
nchar = 128, adjust_timeout = TRUE)
if (length(url) != 1) stop("'url' must have length 1")
if (startsWith(tolower(url), "/nchs/"))
url <- paste0(nhanesManifestPrefix, url)
## ask server for file size and adjust options("timeout") accordingly
min_timeout <- estimate_timeout(url, factor = adjust_timeout)
if (is.finite(min_timeout) && min_timeout > 0) {
oopt <- options(timeout = max(min_timeout, getOption("timeout")))
nh_df <-
tf <- tempfile()
if (isTRUE(nhanesOptions("log.access"))) message("Downloading: ", url)
download.file(url, tf, mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE)
nh_df <- read.xport(tf, check.names = FALSE)
error = function(cond) {
stop(paste0("could not find a XPT file at: ", url))
warning = function(cond) {
if (translated) {
cburl <- paste0(file_path_sans_ext(url), ".htm")
cb <- nhanesCodebookFromURL(cburl)
nh_df <- raw2translated(nh_df, cb, cleanse_numeric = cleanse_numeric)
## #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Import Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) data.
#' DXA data were acquired from 1999-2006.
#' @importFrom foreign read.xport
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @param year The year of the data to import, where 1999<=year<=2006.
#' @param suppl If TRUE then retrieve the supplemental data (default=FALSE).
#' @param destfile The name of a destination file. If NULL then the data are imported
#' into the R environment but no file is created.
#' @param adjust_timeout Typically a logical flag indicating whether
#' the default \code{\link{download.file}} timeout option should be
#' adjusted by taking into account the size of the file to be
#' downloaded, as reported by the server. The value can also be a
#' positive numeric value, in which case it is used as a further
#' multiplicative factor for the default calculation.
#' @return By default the table is returned as a data frame. When downloading to file, the return argument
#' is the integer code from download.file where 0 means success and non-zero indicates failure to download.
#' @details Provide destfile in order to write the data to file. If destfile is not provided then
#' the data will be imported into the R environment.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{dxa_b <- nhanesDXA(2001)}
#' \donttest{dxa_c_s <- nhanesDXA(2003, suppl=TRUE)}
#' \dontrun{dxa = nhanesDXA(1999, destfile="dxx.xpt")}
#' @export
nhanesDXA <- function(year, suppl=FALSE, destfile=NULL, adjust_timeout = TRUE) {
dxa_fname <- function(year, suppl) {
fname <-
if(year == 1999 || year == 2000) { 'dxx'}
else if(year == 2001 || year == 2002) { 'dxx_b'}
else if(year == 2003 || year == 2004) { 'dxx_c'}
else if(year == 2005 || year == 2006) { 'DXX_D'}
if(isTRUE(suppl)) {
fname <- paste0(fname,
if(year == 2005 || year == 2006) '_S' else '_s')
if(year) {
if(!(as.character(year) %in% c('1999', '2000', '2001', '2002', '2003', '2004', '2005', '2006'))) {
stop("Invalid survey year for DXA data")
} else {
fname <- dxa_fname(year, suppl)
url <- paste0(dxaURL, fname, '.xpt')
## ask server for file size and adjust options("timeout") accordingly
min_timeout <- estimate_timeout(url, factor = adjust_timeout)
if (is.finite(min_timeout) && min_timeout > 0) {
oopt <- options(timeout = max(min_timeout, getOption("timeout")))
if (isTRUE(nhanesOptions("log.access"))) message("Downloading: ", url)
if(!is.null(destfile)) {
ok <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch({download.file(url, destfile, mode="wb", quiet=TRUE)},
error=function(cond){message(cond); return(NULL)}))
} else {
tf <- tempfile()
ok <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch({download.file(url, tf, mode="wb", quiet=TRUE)},
error=function(cond){message(cond); return(NULL)}))
if(!is.null(ok)) {
return(read.xport(tf)) # check.names = FALSE ? Will change X_MULT_ to MULT_
} else { return(NULL) }
} else { # Year not provided - no data will be returned
stop("Year is required")
#' Returns the attributes of an NHANES data table.
#' Returns attributes such as number of rows, columns, and memory size,
#' but does not return the table itself.
#' @importFrom foreign read.xport
#' @importFrom utils object.size
#' @param nh_table The name of the specific table to retrieve
#' @return The following attributes are returned as a list \cr
#' nrow = number of rows \cr
#' ncol = number of columns \cr
#' names = name of each column \cr
#' unique = true if all SEQN values are unique \cr
#' na = number of 'NA' cells in the table \cr
#' size = total size of table in bytes \cr
#' types = data types of each column
#' @details nhanesAttr allows one to check the size and other
#' charactersistics of a data table before importing into R. To
#' retrieve these characteristics, the specified table is
#' downloaded, characteristics are determined, then the table is
#' deleted. Downloads a table from the NHANES website as is, i.e. in
#' its entirety with no modification or cleansing. If the
#' environment variable \code{NHANES_TABLE_BASE} was set during
#' startup, the value of this variable is used as the base URL
#' instead of \url{} (this allows the use of a
#' local or alternative mirror of the CDC data).
#' @examples
#' \donttest{bpx_e = nhanesAttr('BPX_E')}
#' \donttest{length(bpx_e)}
#' \donttest{folate_f = nhanesAttr('FOLATE_F')}
#' \donttest{length(folate_f)}
#' @export
nhanesAttr <- function(nh_table) {
nht <- tryCatch({
nh_year <- .get_year_from_nh_table(nh_table)
if(startsWith(nh_table, "Y_")) {
url <- paste0('', nh_year, '/', nh_table, '.XPT')
} else {
url <- paste0(nhanesTableURL, nh_year, '/', nh_table, '.XPT')
tf <- tempfile()
if (isTRUE(nhanesOptions("log.access"))) message("Downloading: ", url)
download.file(url, tf, mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE)
# tmp <- read.xport(tf)
xport_struct <- lookup.xport(tf)
column_names <- xport_struct[[1]]$name
column_labels <- xport_struct[[1]]$label
names(column_labels) <- column_names
nh_df <- read.xport(tf, check.names = FALSE)
nhtatt <- attributes(nh_df)
nhtatt$row.names <- NULL
nhtatt$nrow <- nrow(nh_df)
nhtatt$ncol <- ncol(nh_df)
nhtatt$unique <- (length(unique(nh_df$SEQN)) == nhtatt$nrow)
nhtatt$na <- sum(
nhtatt$size <- object.size(nh_df)
nhtatt$types <- sapply(nh_df,class)
# Ideal case where rows and labels are identical
if(identical(names(nh_df), column_names)) {
for( name in column_names) {
attr(nh_df[[name]],"label") = column_labels[which(names(column_labels)==name)]
return_label <- function(var) {
return(as.character(attr(var, "label")))
nhtatt$labels = sapply(nh_df, return_label)
} else {
message(paste0("Column names and labels are not consistent for table ", nh_table, ". No labels added"))
error = function(cond) {
message(paste("Data from ", nh_table, " are not available"))
warning = function(cond) {
message(cond, '\n')
#' Open a browser to NHANES.
#' The browser may be directed to a specific year, survey, or table.
#' @importFrom stringr str_split str_extract_all
#' @importFrom utils browseURL
#' @param year The year in yyyy format where 1999 <= yyyy.
#' @param data_group The type of survey (DEMOGRAPHICS, DIETARY,
#' also be used: (DEMO, DIET, EXAM, LAB, Q).
#' @param nh_table The name of an NHANES table.
#' @param local logical flag. If \code{TRUE}, and a local or
#' alternative source was specificed using the environment variable
#' \code{NHANES_TABLE_BASE}, this will be used in preference to the
#' CDC website at \url{} for named tables.
#' @param browse logical flag, indicating whether the specific NHANES
#' site should be opened using a browser (which is the default
#' behaviour).
#' @return A character string giving the URL, invisibly if the URL is
#' also opened using \code{\link{browseURL}}.
#' @details By default, browseNHANES will open a web browser to the
#' specified NHANES site.
#' @examples
#' browseNHANES(browse = FALSE) # Defaults to the main data sets page
#' browseNHANES(2005) # The main page for the specified survey year
#' browseNHANES(2009, 'EXAM') # Page for the specified year and survey group
#' browseNHANES(nh_table = 'VIX_D') # Page for a specific table
#' browseNHANES(nh_table = 'DXA') # DXA main page
#' @export
browseNHANES <- function(year = NULL, data_group = NULL, nh_table = NULL,
local = TRUE, browse = TRUE)
handleURL <- function(url) {
if (isFALSE(browse)) return(url)
else {
if(!is.null(nh_table)){ # Specific table name was given
if('DXA'==toupper(nh_table)) { # Special case for DXA
} else {
nh_year <- .get_year_from_nh_table(nh_table)
url <- paste0(if (local) nhanesTableURL else nhanesURL,
nh_year, '/', nh_table, '.htm')
} else if(!is.null(year)) {
if(!is.null(data_group)) {
nh_year <- .get_nh_survey_years(year)
url <- paste0(nhanesURL, 'Search/DataPage.aspx?Component=',
'&CycleBeginYear=', unlist(str_split(nh_year, '-'))[[1]])
} else { # Go to the two year survey page
nh_year <- .get_nh_survey_years(year)
# nh_year <- str_c(str_sub(unlist(str_extract_all(nh_year,"[[:digit:]]{4}")),3,4),collapse='_')
nh_year <- unlist(str_extract_all(nh_year, "[[:digit:]]{4}"))[1]
url <- paste0(nhanesURL, 'continuousnhanes/default.aspx?BeginYear=', nh_year)
} else {
## Alternative approaches to get attributes of a NHANES table: either
## use the actual data, or use the codebook. Ideally these should
## match (to the extent that the codebook has the relevant
## information).
## The first one is similar to nhanesAttr() but does not use the XPT file directly
variableSummary_data <- function(x) {
data.frame(nobs_data = length(x),
na_data = sum(,
size = object.size(x),
num = is.numeric(x),
cat = is.factor(x) || is.character(x),
unique = !anyDuplicated(x))
nhanesSummary_data <- function(nh_table, src = nhanes(nh_table, ...), ...)
## start by getting data, delegating details to nhanes()
df <- src
var_info <- lapply(df, variableSummary_data)
nhtatt <- Reduce(rbind, var_info)
nhtatt <- cbind(varname = names(df),
rownames(nhtatt) <- NULL
if (!missing(nh_table)) nhtatt <- cbind(table = nh_table, nhtatt)
## We can get much of the same information from the codebook, and it
## can be useful to check for inconsistencies. The codebook has one
## entry for each variable in it, and the following helper function
## summarizes it. It can be typically called on the entry for a
## variable within the list returned by nhanesCodebook(). E.g.,
## nhanesCodebook("FOLATE_F")$LBDFOL |> variableSummary()
variableSummary_codebook <- function(x) {
varName <- x[["Variable Name:"]]
sasLabel <- x[["SAS Label:"]]
varInfo <- if (is.list(x)) x[[varName]] # may be NULL (e.g. for SEQN)
else NULL
varSummary <-
if (!is.null(varInfo)) { # consistency checks
colnames(varInfo) <- make.names(colnames(varInfo))
## In a very few tables, the 'varInfo' table has duplicate rows
if (anyDuplicated(varInfo)) {
warning("Duplicate codebook rows in variable ", varName)
varInfo <- varInfo[!duplicated(varInfo), ]
with(varInfo, # convert to 'fix' names
n1 <- sum(Count)
n2 <- Cumulative[[length(Cumulative)]]
if (n1 != n2) {
stop("Inconsistent observation counts in ", varName, "(", n1, ", ", n2, ")")
skip <- any(!``))
## some tables (like DRXFCD_* food tables) have NA instead of
## "Missing" in Value.Description.
nmissing <- Count[`Value.Description` == "Missing" |`Value.Description`)]
## A very few instances have no 'Missing' code: warn for them
stopifnot(length(nmissing) <= 1)
if (length(nmissing) == 0 || !is.finite(nmissing)) {
warning("No 'Missing' code in variable ", varName)
nmissing <- NA_real_
looksLikeNumeric <- "Range of Values" %in% `Value.Description`
numLevels <- length(Count) # should be 2 for numeric
data.frame(varname = varName, label = sasLabel,
nobs_cb = n1, na_cb = nmissing,
has_range = looksLikeNumeric, nlevels = numLevels,
skip = skip)
} else
data.frame(varname = varName, label = sasLabel,
nobs_cb = NA, na_cb = NA,
has_range = NA, nlevels = NA,
skip = NA)
nhanesSummary_codebook <- function(nh_table, src = nhanesCodebook(nh_table, ...), ...)
## start by getting codebook. This is a list, not data.frame, with
## one component for each variable
df <- src
var_info <- lapply(df, variableSummary_codebook)
nhtatt <- Reduce(rbind, var_info)
if (!missing(nh_table)) nhtatt <- cbind(table = nh_table, nhtatt)
##' Summarize a NHANES table
##' Returns a per-variable summary of a NHANES table either using the
##' actual data or its corresponding codebook
##' @title Summarize NHANES table
##' @param nh_table the name of a valid NHANES table
##' @param use character string, whether to create a summary from the
##' data itself or the codebook, which respectively use either the
##' NHANES SAS data files or the HTML documentation files. If
##' \code{use = "both"} then both are computed as merged; the
##' \code{src} and \code{...} arguments are ignored in this case.
##' @param ... additional arguments, usually passed on to either
##' \code{\link{nhanes}} or \code{\link{nhanesCodebook}} as
##' appropriate. Alternatively, the \code{src} argument can be used
##' to pass on an already available data frame or codebook, but this
##' must be consistent with the \code{use} argument.
##' @return A data frame with one row per variable, with columns
##' depending on the value of the \code{use} argument.
##' @examples
##' \donttest{nhanesTableSummary('DEMO_D', use = "data")}
##' \donttest{nhanesTableSummary('DEMO_D', use = "codebook")}
##' @export
nhanesTableSummary <- function(nh_table, use = c("data", "codebook", "both"), ...)
use <- match.arg(use)
data = nhanesSummary_data(nh_table, ...),
codebook = nhanesSummary_codebook(nh_table, ...),
both = {
info_cb <- nhanesSummary_codebook(nh_table)
info_data <- nhanesSummary_data(nh_table)
## merge them, but be careful because they may not be in
## same order (esp in the database)
rownames(info_data) <- info_data$varname
ans <- cbind(info_cb, info_data[info_cb$varname, -c(1, 2)])
rownames(ans) <- NULL
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