# nhanesManifest
# nhanesTables
# nhanesTableVars
.nhanesFileSize <- function(url)
h <- tolower(curlGetHeaders(url))
ok <- startsWith(h, "content-length")
if (any(ok)) {
## pick the last one
id <- rev(which(ok))[[1]]
as.numeric(strsplit(trimws(h[[id]]), ":")[[1]][[2]])
else NA_real_
estimate_timeout <- function(url, factor = 1, perMB = 10)
## By default, estimate at 10 sec / MB, and multiply by factor
if (factor > 0) {
fsize <- .nhanesFileSize(url)
factor * perMB * (fsize / 1e6)
else NA_real_
.get_content_length <- function(url, verbose = FALSE)
url_base <- ""
if (!startsWith(tolower(url), "/nchs/")) {
if (verbose) message("SKIPPING ", url)
url <- paste0(url_base, url)
if (verbose) message(url)
##' Downloads and parses NHANES manifests for public data
##' (available at
##' \url{}),
##' limited access data
##' (\url{}),
##' and variables
##' (\url{}, etc.),
##' and returns them as data frames.
##' @title Download and parse NHANES manifests
##' @param which Either "public" or "limitedaccess" to get a manifest
##' of available tables, or "variables" to get a manifest of
##' available variables.
##' @param sizes Logical, whether to compute data file sizes (as
##' reported by the server) and include them in the result.
##' @param dxa Logical, whether to include information on DXA tables.
##' These tables contain imputed imputed Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry
##' measurements, and are listed separately, not in the main listing.
##' @param verbose Logical flag indicating whether information on
##' progress should be reported.
##' @param use_cache Logical flag indicating whether a cached version
##' (from a previous download in the same session) should be used.
##' @param max_age Maximum allowed age of the cache in seconds
##' (defaults to 24 hours). Cached versions that are older are
##' ignored, even if available.
##' @return A data frame, with columns that depend on
##' \code{which}. For a manifest of tables, columns are "Table",
##' "DocURL", "DataURL", "Years", "Date.Published". If \code{sizes =
##' TRUE}, an additional column "DataSize" giving the data file
##' sizes in bytes (as reported by the server) is included. For
##' limited access tables, the "DataURL" and "DataSize" columns are
##' omitted. For a manifest of variables, columns are "VarName",
##' "VarDesc", "Table", "TableDesc", "BeginYear", "EndYear",
##' "Component", and "UseConstraints".
##' @note Duplicate rows are removed from the result. Most of these
##' duplicates arise from duplications in the source tables for
##' multi-cycle tables (which are repeated once for each cycle). One
##' special case is the WHQ table which has two variables, WHD120
##' and WHQ030, duplicated with differing variable
##' descriptions. These are removed explicitly, keeping only the
##' first occurrence.
##' @examples
##' \donttest{manifest <- nhanesManifest(sizes = FALSE)}
##' \donttest{dim(manifest)}
##' @export
nhanesManifest <- function(which = c("public", "limitedaccess", "variables"),
sizes = FALSE, dxa = FALSE,
verbose = getOption("verbose"),
use_cache = TRUE, max_age = 24 * 60 * 60)
which <- match.arg(which)
cache_key <- if (which == "public")
paste(c("public", "sizes", "dxa")[c(TRUE, sizes, dxa)], collapse = "+")
else which
if (isTRUE(use_cache)) {
cache_val <- .nhanesCacheEnv[[ cache_key ]]
if (!is.null(cache_val) && as.numeric(Sys.time() - cache_val$timestamp) < max_age) {
if (verbose) message("Using previously cached version of manifest")
## otherwise, fresh download
ans <-
public = if (dxa) rbind(nhanesManifest_public(sizes = sizes, verbose = verbose),
else nhanesManifest_public(sizes = sizes, verbose = verbose),
limitedaccess = nhanesManifest_limitedaccess(verbose = verbose),
variables = nhanesManifest_variables(verbose = verbose)) |>
.nhanesCacheEnv[[ cache_key ]] <- list(manifest = ans, timestamp = Sys.time())
.nhanesCacheEnv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
nhanesManifest_public <- function(sizes, verbose)
if (verbose) message("Downloading ", dataURL)
hurl <- .checkHtml(dataURL)
if(is.null(hurl)) {
message("Error occurred during read. No tables returned")
##get to the table
xpath <- '//*[@id="GridView1"]'
tab1 <- hurl |> html_elements(xpath=xpath)
##pull out all the hrefs
hrefs <- tab1 |> html_nodes("a") |> html_attr("href") |> parseRedirect()
## There's a spurious # which needs to be removed
hrefs <- hrefs[hrefs != "#"]
df <- tab1 |> html_table() |>
df$Table <- sub(" Doc", "", df$Doc.File)
## PAHS_H was withdrawn - only one entry in the table
## The corresponding row has no useful HREFs, so there is a length mismatch
## subset(df, Date.Published == "Withdrawn")
df <- subset(df, Date.Published != "Withdrawn")
## make sure lengths now match
if (nrow(df) * 2 != length(hrefs)) stop("Wrong number of URLs in table manifest")
df$DocURL <- hrefs[c(TRUE, FALSE)]
df$DataURL <- hrefs[c(FALSE, TRUE)]
## subset(df, tools::file_ext(DataURL) != "XPT")
df <- subset(df, startsWith(DataURL, "/") & endsWith(toupper(DataURL), ".XPT"))
df <- df[c("Table", "DocURL", "DataURL", "Years", "Date.Published")]
if (sizes) {
if (verbose) message("Checking data file sizes...")
s <- sapply(df$DataURL, .get_content_length, verbose = verbose)
df$DataSize <- s
## We can use the following function to get the DXA table details from
## However, one problem
## with this approach is that the Doc files for DXA, DXA_B, and DXA_C
## are PDF files which we cannot parse, and only the DXA_D doc is
## HTML. The workaround is to use the DXA_D doc / codebook for all
## four. We do this by maintaining a hard-coded version of the result,
## assuming that the information will not change going forward (the
## last update happened in 2016).
nhanesManifest_DXA <- function(sizes, verbose)
if (verbose) message("Downloading ", dxaTablesURL)
hurl <- .checkHtml(dxaTablesURL)
if(is.null(hurl)) {
message("Error occurred during read. No tables returned")
##get to the table
xpath <- '//*[@id="GridView1"]'
tab1 <- hurl |> html_elements(xpath=xpath)
##pull out all the hrefs
hrefs <- tab1 |> html_nodes("a") |> html_attr("href")
df <- tab1 |> html_table() |>
df$Table <- sub(" Doc", "", df$Doc.File)
## make sure lengths now match
if (nrow(df) * 2 != length(hrefs)) stop("Wrong number of URLs in table manifest")
df$DocURL <- hrefs[c(TRUE, FALSE)]
df$DataURL <- hrefs[c(FALSE, TRUE)]
## subset(df, tools::file_ext(DataURL) != "XPT")
df <- subset(df, startsWith(DataURL, "/") & endsWith(toupper(DataURL), ".XPT"))
df <- df[c("Table", "DocURL", "DataURL", "Years", "Date.Published")]
if (sizes) {
if (verbose) message("Checking data file sizes...")
s <- sapply(df$DataURL, .get_content_length, verbose = verbose)
df$DataSize <- s
nhanesManifest_DXA_hardcoded <- function(sizes, verbose)
keep <- if (isTRUE(sizes)) 1:6 else 1:5
## manually edited from nhanesManifest_DXA(sizes = TRUE)
data.frame(Table = c("DXX_D", "DXX_C", "DXX_B", "DXX"),
DocURL = rep("/nchs/data/nhanes/dxa/dxx_d.htm", 4),
DataURL = c("/nchs/data/nhanes/dxa/dxx_d.xpt",
Years = c("2005-2006", "2003-2004",
"2001-2002", "1999-2000"),
Date.Published = c("Updated December 2016",
"Updated March 2010",
"Updated March 2010",
"Updated March 2010"),
DataSize = c(29517840, 30371680, 32695200, 24737440))[keep]
nhanesManifest_limitedaccess <- function(verbose)
if (verbose) message("Downloading ", ladDataURL)
hurl <- .checkHtml(ladDataURL)
if(is.null(hurl)) {
message("Error occurred during read. No tables returned")
##get to the table
xpath <- '//*[@id="GridView1"]'
tab1 <- hurl |> html_elements(xpath=xpath)
##pull out all the hrefs
tab2 = tab1 |> html_nodes("a") |> html_attr("href")
## drop Omp and # (withdrawn)
skip <- (tab2 %in% c("#", "/Nchs/Nhanes/Omp/Default.aspx"))
tab2 <- tab2[!skip]
##whenever they update we need to error out and then fix it
if(length(tab2) != 223) stop("CDC updated data manifest")
htmNames = tab2
df = tab1 |> html_table() |>
df = subset(df, !skip)
df$Table = sub(" Doc", "", df$Doc.File)
df$DocURL = htmNames
df = df[,c("Table", "DocURL", "Years", "Date.Published")]
nhanesManifest_variables <- function(verbose = TRUE)
xpath <- '//*[@id="GridView1"]'
parseComponent <- function(url)
if (verbose) message("Downloading ", url)
hurl <- .checkHtml(url)
if(!is.null(hurl)) {
tab <- hurl |> html_elements(xpath = xpath)
df <- tab |> html_table() |>
if (nrow(df) > 0) return(df)
stop("Failed to parse URL: ", url)
df <- Reduce(rbind, lapply(varURLs, parseComponent))
names(df) <- c("VarName", "VarDesc", "Table", "TableDesc",
"BeginYear", "EndYear", "Component",
## WHQ has TWO variables (WHD120 and WHQ030) which are duplicated;
## these are not removed when we retain unique rows later because
## the VarDesc column is different. We handle this as a special case
## and omit them here.
WHQ_WHD120_dup <- with(df, which(Table == "WHQ" & VarName == "WHD120"))
if (length(WHQ_WHD120_dup) > 1) { # retain first occurrence only
drop_rows <- WHQ_WHD120_dup[-1]
df <- df[ -drop_rows, ]
WHQ_WHQ030_dup <- with(df, which(Table == "WHQ" & VarName == "WHQ030"))
if (length(WHQ_WHQ030_dup) > 1) { # retain first occurrence only
drop_rows <- WHQ_WHQ030_dup[-1]
df <- df[ -drop_rows, ]
# helper functions
string2url <- function(s)
s <- gsub("=", ":",
gsub("&", "\n", s, fixed = TRUE),
fixed = TRUE)
e <- read.dcf(textConnection(s))
with(as.list(e[1, , drop = TRUE]),
sprintf("/Nchs/Nhanes/%s-%s/%s.%s", b, e, d, x))
parseRedirect <- function(s, prefix = "../vitamind/analyticalnote.aspx?")
ans <- s
tofix <- startsWith(tolower(s), tolower(prefix))
if (!any(tofix)) return(s)
ss <- substring(s[tofix], 1 + nchar(prefix), 999)
ss <- sapply(ss, string2url)
ans[tofix] <- ss
#' Returns a list of table names for the specified survey group.
#' Enables quick display of all available tables in the survey group.
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace str_match str_split str_remove str_detect
#' @importFrom rvest html_elements html_table
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html
#' Abbreviated terms may also be used: (DEMO, DIET, EXAM, LAB, Q).
#' @param year The year in yyyy format where 1999 <= yyyy.
#' @param nchar Truncates the table description to a max length of nchar.
#' @param details If TRUE then a more detailed description of the tables is returned (default=FALSE).
#' @param namesonly If TRUE then only the table names are returned (default=FALSE).
#' @param includerdc If TRUE then RDC only tables are included in list (default=FALSE).
#' @return Returns a data frame that contains table attributes. If namesonly=TRUE,
#' then a character vector of table names is returned.
#' @details Function nhanesTables retrieves a list of tables and a
#' description of their contents from the NHANES website. This provides
#' a convenient way to browse the available tables. NULL is returned when an
#' HTML read error is encountered.
#' @examples
#' exam = nhanesTables('EXAM', 2007)
#' dim(exam)
#' \donttest{lab = nhanesTables('LAB', 2009, details=TRUE, includerdc=TRUE)}
#' \donttest{dim(lab)}
#' \donttest{q = nhanesTables('Q', 2005, namesonly=TRUE)}
#' \donttest{length(q)}
#' \donttest{diet = nhanesTables('DIET', 'P')}
#' \donttest{dim(diet)}
#' \donttest{exam = nhanesTables('EXAM', 'Y')}
#' \donttest{dim(exam)}
#' @export
nhanesTables <- function(data_group, year, nchar = 128,
details = FALSE, namesonly = FALSE, includerdc=FALSE)
if( !(data_group %in% names(nhanes_group)) ) {
stop("Invalid survey group")
if(is.numeric(year) && .useDB()){
return(.nhanesTablesDB(data_group, year, nchar, details, namesonly, includerdc))
component <- nhanes_group[data_group]
if (length(component) != 1) stop("'data_group' must be a single string")
if(year == 'P' || year == 'p') {
turl <- paste0(nhanesURL, 'search/datapage.aspx?Component=',
'&CycleBeginYear=', '2017-2020')
} else if (year == 'Y' || year == 'y') {
turl <- paste0(nhanesURL, 'search/NnyfsData.aspx?Component=',
'&CycleBeginYear=', '2012')
} else {
nh_year <- .get_nh_survey_years(year)
turl <- paste0(nhanesURL, 'search/variablelist.aspx?Component=',
'&CycleBeginYear=', unlist(str_split(nh_year, '-'))[[1]])
# At this point df contains every table for the specified survey & year
hurl <- .checkHtml(turl)
if(is.null(hurl)) {
message("Error occurred during read. No tables returned")
df <- hurl |> html_elements(xpath=xpath) |> html_table() |>
# By default we exclude RDC Only tables as those cannot be downloaded
if(nrow(df)==0) {
if(year %in% c(2019,2020)) {
message("No tables found. Please set year='P' for Pre-Pandemic data.")
} else {
message("No tables found")
if(year %in% c('P', 'p', 'Y', 'y')) {
if(year %in% c('P','p')) {
df <- df[str_detect(df$Data.File,'^P_'),]
if(details) {
df <- unique(df)
} else {
df <- unique(df[,c('Doc.File', 'Data.File.Name')])
# if(!includerdc) {
# df <- df[(df$Data.File != "RDC Only"),]
# }
if(namesonly == TRUE) {
df$Doc.File <- str_remove(df$Doc.File, ' Doc')
} else {
row.names(df) <- NULL
if (!(nhanes_group[data_group] == 'Non-Public')){
if(!includerdc) {
df <- subset(df, Use.Constraints != "RDC Only")
if(details) {
df <- unique(df[,3:length(df)])
} else {
df <- unique(df[,c('Data.File.Name', 'Data.File.Description')])
# df <- rename(df, c("Data.File.Name"="FileName","Data.File.Description"="Description"))
# Here we exclude tables that overlap from earlier surveys
# Get possible table suffixes for the specified year
if(nh_year != "1999-2000") { ## No exclusion needed for first survey
suffix <- paste0("_", names(data_idx[data_idx == nh_year]))
## FIXME: Should also add a $ at the end?
if(nh_year == '2005-2006') { suffix <- c(suffix, anomalytables2005) }
pattern <- paste(suffix, collapse = "|")
## matches <- unique(grep(pattern, df[['Data.File.Name']], value=TRUE))
## df <- df[(df$Data.File.Name %in% matches),]
df <- subset(df, grepl(pattern, Data.File.Name))
if(namesonly) {
df$Data.File.Description <- substring(df$Data.File.Description, 1, nchar)
row.names(df) <- NULL
#' Displays a list of variables in the specified NHANES table.
#' Enables quick display of table variables and their definitions.
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace str_split
#' @importFrom rvest html_elements html_table
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html
#' Abbreviated terms may also be used: (DEMO, DIET, EXAM, LAB, Q).
#' @param nh_table The name of the specific table to retrieve.
#' @param details If TRUE then all columns in the variable description are returned (default=FALSE).
#' @param nchar The number of characters in the Variable Description to print. Default length is 128,
#' which is set to enhance readability cause variable descriptions can be very long.
#' @param namesonly If TRUE then only the variable names are returned (default=FALSE).
#' @return Returns a data frame that describes variable attributes for the specified table. If namesonly=TRUE,
#' then a character vector of the variable names is returned.
#' @details NHANES tables may contain more than 100 variables. Function nhanesTableVars provides a concise display
#' of variables for a specified table, which helps to ascertain quickly if the table is of interest.
#' NULL is returned when an HTML read error is encountered.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{lab_cbc = nhanesTableVars('LAB', 'CBC_E')}
#' \donttest{dim(lab_cbc)}
#' \donttest{exam_ohx = nhanesTableVars('EXAM', 'OHX_E', details=TRUE, nchar=50)}
#' \donttest{dim(exam_ohx)}
#' \donttest{demo = nhanesTableVars('DEMO', 'DEMO_F', namesonly = TRUE)}
#' \donttest{length(demo)}
#' @export
nhanesTableVars <- function(data_group, nh_table, details = FALSE, nchar=128, namesonly = FALSE) {
if( !(data_group %in% names(nhanes_group)) ) {
stop("Invalid survey group")
if(!grepl("^(P_|Y_)\\w+", nh_table) && .useDB()){
return(.nhanesTableVarsDB(data_group, nh_table, details, nchar, namesonly))
component <- nhanes_group[data_group]
if(length(grep('^P_', nh_table))>0){
nh_year <- '2017-2020'
turl <- paste0(nhanesURL, 'search/variablelist.aspx?Component=',
'&Cycle=', nh_year)
} else {
nh_year <- .get_year_from_nh_table(nh_table)
turl <- paste0(nhanesURL, 'search/variablelist.aspx?Component=',
'&CycleBeginYear=', unlist(str_split(nh_year, '-'))[[1]])
hurl <- .checkHtml(turl)
if(is.null(hurl)) {
message("Error occurred during read. No table variables returned")
df <- hurl |> html_elements(xpath=xpath) |> html_table() |>
if(!(nh_table %in% df$Data.File.Name)) {
stop('Table ', nh_table, ' not present in the ', data_group, ' survey' )
#nchar_max <- 128
if(nchar > nchar_max) {
nchar <- nchar_max
if( details == FALSE ) { # If TRUE then only return the variable name and description
df <- df[df$Data.File.Name == nh_table,1:2]
} else {
df <- df[df$Data.File.Name == nh_table,]
df[[2]] <- substring(df[[2]], 1, nchar)
if( namesonly == TRUE ) {
row.names(df) <- NULL
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