nivm-package: Non-inferiority Tests with Variable Margins

nivm-packageR Documentation

Non-inferiority Tests with Variable Margins


This package was developed to give the control quantile non-inferiority test described in Fay and Follmann (2015), and the function to calculate that test is nicqTest. Some competitors to that test are some tests described in Rohmel and Kieser (2013): brkTest, fmecTest, and fmecExact.


Package: nivm
Type: Package
Version: 0.5
Date: 2024-01-25
License: >=GPL3


Michael P. Fay

Maintainer: Michael P. Fay <>


Fay, MP and Follmann DA (2016). Non-inferiority Tests for Anti-Infective Drugs using Control Group Quantiles. Clinical Trials. 13(6): 632-640.

Rohmel, J and Kieser, M (2013). Investigations on non-inferiority–the Food and Drug Administration draft guidance on treatments for nosocomial pneumonia as a case for exact tests for binomial proportions. Statistics in Medicine. 32: 2335-2348.

See Also


nivm documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:10 a.m.