
Defines functions FindBestCut

Documented in FindBestCut

#' @title  Find the best cutoff values of binning for the visual predictive checks.
#' @description By various rules, find the best cutoff values for a given 
#' number of bins.
#' @usage FindBestCut(X,
#'             K,
#'             beta = 0.2, ...)
#' @param X A numeric vector to divide into K bins.
#' @param K Number of bins.
#' @param beta Additional parameter in the penalty. 
#' For more detailed explanation, see reference. 
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods.
#' @return The best cutoff values to make K bins using X and
#'         the minimum within sums of square values for the binning
#' @references Lavielle, M. and Bleakley, K.
#'             (2011). Automatic data binning for improved visual 
#'                     diagnosis of pharmacometric models. 
#'                     Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, 38(6), 861-871.
#' @references VPC automatic binning algorithm in PsN 5.0.0 manual. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(origdata)
#' FindBestCut(origdata$TIME,K=10)

FindBestCut <- function(X,
                        beta = 0.2, ...){
  origX <- X 
  X_n <- table(X)
  X <- sort(unique(X))
  N <- length(X)
      nest <- 2:K
      CUT <- (X[nest]+X[nest-1])/2
      return(list(cutoffs=CUT,WSS = 0))
  II <- matrix(0,ncol=N,nrow=K)
  ntrans <- matrix(0,ncol=K,nrow=(N-1))
  for(L in 1:(N-K+1)){
    tX <- X[1:L]
    tX_n <- X_n[1:L]
    tX <- rep(tX,tX_n)
    II[1,L] <- ifelse(length(tX)<=1,0,length(tX)*stats::var(tX)^beta)

  for(k in 1:(K-1)){
    maxW <- 0
    if(k < (K-1)){
      for(L in k:(N-K+k)){
        J <- rep(10000,L)
        for(n in k:L){
          tX <- X[(n+1):(L+1)]
          tX_n <- X_n[(n+1):(L+1)]
          tX <- rep(tX,tX_n)
          Del <- ifelse(length(tX)<=1,0,length(tX)*stats::var(tX)^beta)
          J[n+1] <- II[k,n]+Del
        II[k+1,L+1] <- min(J[1:(L+1)],na.rm=TRUE)
        ntrans[L,k] <- which.min(J[1:(L+1)])

    } else{
      L <- N-1
      J <- rep(10000,L)
      for(n in k:(N-1)){
        tX <- X[(n+1):N]
        tX_n <- X_n[(n+1):N]
        tX <- rep(tX,tX_n)
        Del <- ifelse(length(tX)<=1,0,length(tX)*stats::var(tX)^beta)
        J[n+1] <- II[k,n]+Del
      Imin <- min(J[1:N])
      ntrans[N-1,k] <- which.min(J[1:N])

  temp <- ntrans[N-1,K-1]
  nest <- temp
  for(i in (K-2):1){
    temp <- ntrans[temp-2,i]
    nest <- c(nest,temp)
  nest <- sort(nest)
  CUT <- (X[nest]+X[nest-1])/2
  return(list(cutoffs = CUT,WSS = Imin))

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